I have so much to tell you that I don’t even know where to begin!!! But of course, it’s always about the food, so I’ll start with the food. But the food part is going to be really, really short because I want to share with you my first television shooting experience. I guess I could have posted without a recipe, but then I’d feel like it would be a totally inadequate post – because there are readers that possibly don’t give a shark’s ass about me and are here just for the recipes. And that’s ok. I’ll pretend to like you too.
The Really Short Food Part
I saw Elise’s grilled corn in husk recipe but wanted to Asian-fy it with this herb butter:

Grilled Corn with Lime Cilantro Wasabi Butter10
- 1 stick of butter, softened to room temperature
- Zest of 1 lime
- 2 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro
- big 'ol squirt of wasabi paste (1 tablespoon-ish)
- Make the herb butter: Combine all butter ingredients. Use fork to mash and mix well. Lay a large piece of plastic cling wrap on counter. Spoon the butter on the wrap and fold plastic wrap over. Using your hands, mold and roll into a cylinder shape. I use a sushi bamboo mat and that worked really well. Place in refrigerator (or freezer if you're in a hurry) and let chill for at least 30 minutes. This can be made up to 3 days in advance.
- Grill the corn on the cob: Preheat grill to 550F degrees. Carefully peel back some of the outer layers of husk and discard. Keep a couple of the soft, inner layers intact. If you have too many tough, outer layers, the corn takes longer to cook. Remove as much of the visible silky wisps as possible (which will burn on the grill). I like to soak the corn in water for 15 minutes. Elise of Simply Recipes does not soak her corn, but both methods work really well. Remove corn from water, shake off excess water. Grill on for 15-20 minutes, turning every 5 minutes to evenly char all sides. Remove the grilled corn on the cob with tongs and carefully peel back the husk (careful! it's hot!). Top with slice of Lime Cilantro Wasabi Butter. Enjoy your deliciously grilled corn on the cob.
End of really short food part.
Beginning of the part that rocked my world last week.
A few weeks ago, I met with Tampa Bay’s PBS station. Of course, I brought along some My Mom’s Famous Egg Rolls. Just in case I couldn’t charm them with my good looks and crazy ideas, at least I could win bribe them with food. The meeting went fantastically well and resulted in an opportunity to work with Jen Noble, a very talented Executive Producer for a multiple Emmy-Award winning show called A Gulf Coast Journal with Jack Perkins. The Jack Perkins??? You mean the same Jack Perkins of NBC Nightly News and the powerful voice behind A&E’s Biography!?!? Pinch me with Oxo tongs, momma!
Well, last Thursday we had an entire day of shooting at the studio kitchen where I teach. I hosted a sushi class – and invited my friends. As this was my first television experience, I wanted to be surrounded by loving friends and not by heckling strangers. Here are the highlights:
Look how massively HUGE this light was!! There were two of these mammoths, repositioned each time they wanted a different angle. I planned on swiping one of them to use as a tanning bed:
The calm before the storm. My good friend, Jan, helped me immensely with the decorating – didn’t she do a wonderful job? Those banana leaves are from her garden. Here comes Jen, the producer. btw, she’s HOT, talented and single:
Getting mic’d up. This is Tom the sound guy. A mic went under my shirt in the front and stuck right between my boobs, the transmitter box clipped to the back of my pants. For some strange, strange reason, Tom had to reach down and reposition the mike every 10 minutes. And the batteries had to be changed multiple times in the transmitter. 🙂 The hardest part of the whole adventure was being mic’d the entire time and knowing that whatever I said, whispered or even thought in my little head would transmit between Tom’s headphones, and then all would be confirmed that I was a little koo-koo.
DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FUNCTION WITHOUT TALKING TO YOURSELF AND REFRAIN FROM SPONTANEOUS FARTING??!??!? I got a nice workout just clenching my ass-cheeks together all day.
Here we are at the ingredients table – talking about all how to cut and prepare the ingredients. There is Alex the camera-god shooting:
This kid in the red is amazing. Brian is Jeff Houck’s (Food Writer for Tampa Trib) kid who said really nice things on camera about me. I slipped him a $20 earlier. Next to him are Jeremy (Chef de Cuisine of Cork) and his wife Jules (a professional opera singer), Susan (a Sarasota reader of the blog whom I invited to be a part of this adventure), Kelly (my very bestest friend to infinity and beyond), Jan (the uber-talented goddess of all things elegant & beautiful), Mike (editor in chief of Your Observer). Next to me in the kitchen is Joe (who loves to eat and was my right hand man in the kitchen). Chef Bob is hiding somewhere too – he played sous-chef, helping me prep in the morning (Thank you Chef B!)
Do you want to know what happens when a very hungry chef tries to make sushi?
Sushi rolls the size of small children. Overachieving hot shot chef!
But then my best friend Kelly veered off in another direction with her sushi. I’ve never seen a sushi roll bleed to death with rooster hot sauce.
After the class, we did a one-on-one interview. Alex the cameraman is the King of Lighting. They spent about 30 minutes just on the backdrop and getting the “mood” right. I think they were going for Jaden’s Buddha Bar Love Lounge. All we needed was some groovy music and an opium pipe. I would have felt entirely at home then.
But we weren’t done after this! The whole crew came over to my house and filmed me cooking at home and dinner with the family, otherwise known as The Chaos of Jaden’s House. But that is for another post, my friends….I’m not quite ready to share with you how my kids thought it would be fun to grab the long ties that held my shirt together and run in opposite directions ALL CAUGHT ON CAMERA. Thank goodness that by then I had already downed a half bottle of wine in 3 minutes. Because I don’t know how I would have handled that while sober.
Next week, we’ll continue shooting with Jack Perkins coming to my home. I’m sort of nervous. Will he read the contents of this blog and ask me how I learned to cook or what in the world would compel me to eat Cod Sperm Sac Soup or why I have a fan base of tranny cross dressers? Well, I did name this blog STEAMY KITCHEN, not Amish Kitchen, you know?
Brilynn started a new project, called the Jumbo & Jaden Project (in honor of Julie/Julia Project)!!! She cracks me up…so far she’s made:
Project #1:
Tropical Island Salmon
Project #2:
Pan Fried Lemon Ricotta Gnocchi
So now it’s my turn to master one of her recipes. Which one should I choose? Please help!
These are not Pierogies Pierogies
**If you are NOT my husband or someone who is reading this to my children – highlight the text to read below.
Thank you Wok & Spoon for my Tim Tams!!! I got them in the mail the other day and hid them in the fridge under the bag of spinach.and I am not sharing. There are 3 cookies left ….and they ARE MINE…..ALLLLLL MINE….
If you are in the Sarasota/Bradenton area, tune into ABC 7 this Thursday 8/23 at 6:45am-ish. I’ll be cooking live on the morning news program. Yes…you read that right. Cooking live. Am I insane? Quite possibly. It was only after accepting the appearance offer that I thought about the consequence of cooking live. No edits. No “do-overs” and no “oops!” It will be the longest 3 minutes of my entire life.
Will I survive? Will the network survive without being fined?
Please send me your newsletters.your recipes are very nice.
yummmmmmmy thankxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi,how many corn cobs does the recipe cover?
1 stick of butter, softened to room temperature
Zest of 1 lime
2 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro
big ‘ol squirt of wasabi paste (1 tablespoon-ish)
How many corn cobs can these ingredients cover?
1 stick of butter, softened to room temperature
Zest of 1 lime
2 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro
big ‘ol squirt of wasabi paste (1 tablespoon-ish)
planning to serve these tasty corn recipe 🙂
Thanks-a-mundo for the blog. Many thanks Again. Awesome.
Back to the corn thing. I have found that a ear of corn put in a 1.5 K Watt microwave for up to 2 minutes on each side [large ear] produces corn that shucks easily and the silk releases easily [steamed off i guess]. Now i will try your herbed butter on that fast method. thanks mickey
A discovery I have been missing. Well, I probably miss alot. Your hilarious and the corn and butter, both awesome. The salted steak tenderizing is right on the money. I work for a steak company and some of the cuts need a little help. I recommend this to every customer. The process saves me customer service issues, makes the steak 100% better in every area and I receive zero issues or customer returns. The salt process was learned by accident. I was sea salting steaks one evening and the large part of the hole was open instead of the spinkle top. You can guess what occured. Next, the phone rang and it was my mother. Again, you can guess how long that conversation took. When I returned to the steaks, I definately had to rinse them. Then, as usual I blotted the meat dry to reduce the water content in the steak. I feared the steak would be extremely salty. My family is custom to salt, cuz I like salty food. Instead, it was incredible and now my husband sits on the couch and I grill. Something is telling me my screwup hit, still may have been a screwup.
Your great and I love the site! Thanks for all the great ideas, especially the corn and herb butter combo.
Wow jaden congrats! that’s great news and a well deserved shot for you. And if I may say in a totally platonic way, you definitely look hot on camera. Best of luck with the show!
Mio congratulazioni,
voi ottenuto originale lavoro 🙂
Ci era un alberino e un autore era bisogno trasmetta corso sommelier .
Osservatorio economia offerta generali stati serali..
E …. Noi non poteva raccolta nuovo pagine su corsi on line.
Ammetta quello surf male ..
Jaden, you just crack me up! I love reading your posts!
I am just seeing this now. How could I have missed it? Many many congratulations! What a fun experience. To many more!
Let me add my congratulations also!! That is way cool and I agree that you are way hotter than Giada and that new latina woman (but they are mere food network folk, not the PBS elite for gods sakes)!! And that lime cilantro wasabi butter recipe rocks too btw!
I’ve been reading/lurking for a while, but this one made me laugh until I started crying! I’m linking to you right now (if that’s okay!).
OMG we have a foodstar here! Congratulations!! Btw, you look awesome in that shoot 😀
V- thank you!
Sui Mai- I’m going to go broke trying to import Tim Tams to satisfy my craving
Garrett- Your F(*&$!ing welcome!
Little Corner of Mine- i’ll post, i promise
Berlin Kitchen- thanks for the recipe!
Suji- better make it a 10sec delay
Thanks Isha!
Jenny- and if I wasn’t already married, I’d totally date him
Nikki- no Cost Plus here…I miss CP SOOOO much.
Sub-Gourmet- sweetheart, *you* are an amzing cook already
Banzi- Thank u
PE- thank you my blog-friend! Stinky tofu hides everything.
Oh, and is your husband gonna kick Tom’s @$$ for “repositioning” the microphone? Jk. I would love to watch if you could upload it to YouTube!
Jaden, I have been quiet on the commenting side for quite some time (busy with my move), but I am SO amazed by you! You are INCREDIBLE! Congratulations again, for being deservingly featured on ABC, and for clenching those farts back into your butt! You look gorgeous too! Way better than Giada and Rachael, waaay better!
P.S. If you did “release” a fart on accident, next time, just say it was the durian or stinky tofu in the fridge or a natural gas leak. It works every time!
I need to take your class…. 🙂
Hiding Tim Tams from your family? That’s what I do!!! Luckily Cost Plus keeps them in stock…I have since learned how to share 🙂 Have you taught your kids how to eat them the right (messy) way (i.e., the Tim Tam Slam)?
Congrats on the TV time 🙂 And I agree with you about the Simpson boobs!! Heheh…
Funny. Smart. Funny. If my husband weren’t already married I would totally set you two up.
that corn looks sooooo good!
u r great jaden, keep up the good work!
Oh this is sooo exciting. SOmeone I stalk is going to be on TV ;). Make sure they have a 5 second delay 😉
here is the recipy for the potatoe salad…….
Ingredients (serves 4):
750g salad potatoes or “La Ratte” potatoes
1 onion
3-4tbsp meat or vegetable broth
3-4 tbsp wine-vinegar
3 tbsp olive-oil
Cook the potatoes in salty water around 20min.. Then cool down the potatoes and peel lukewarm. Cut in slices and add salt&pepper, a chopped onion, broth, vinegar and oil. The whole salad must be juicy and finally add thin slices of chives. If needed add a little bit more broth or oil.
Martin 🙂
Congrats! You are a star now and I wanna watch you on T.V. too!!! 🙂
Total F***ing Props, Jaden. You deserve every bit of your success. 🙂
Please, please, please tell me you “slammed” those Tim Tams??
I am so pleased the boy doesn’t understand the joy of a Tim Tam Slam.
Congrats on everything! Sounds exciting!
Oh my, this is amazing news. You look great!
LPC- I know. I’ve been in hiding. But it’s because of a good reason, right?
Lydia – I’ll post it! Then we can all pick a day and time and watch it together and laugh our heads off!
Argus- I can’t wait to see it either. I’m hoping that it wasn’t AS BAD AS I REMEMBER IT
Lisa- Bacon Brittle wins! Will make it this weekend
EDBM- I need to have that umbrella. I ckd ebay and no such luck
Eli- welcome and come back soon!
Patricia= thank you! I just went through a TON of your archives and chose a few things to make. LOVE your blog
Mercedes- yeah, I think soaking it is the key. I used to only microwave the corn (Eeeeek! I know. BAD!)
Andy- thanks my friend!
Caitlyn- do you know how hard it was for me not to email you and tell you that I WANT ALL THAT STASH!!
WC- Sweetheart, if the food network calls me, I’d shit in my pants. And you’d be the first I’d call.
Lisa- Buns of steel, baby.
Joanna- If I get rich and famous, I am hiring YOU to be my set designer
Berlin Kitchen- thanks for the recipe. I am going to try this weekend. Send me a potato salad recipe too!
Ilingc- Cross dressing fans….I LOVE IT
Srivalli- you rock!! Thank you for the award! you made my morning!
Joey-Thank you J!
Woohooo! You go! Congratulations! How I wish I could see it here though and see you in action! 🙂 You deserve every bit of this…not only do you dish up fabulous food but I think it’s about time your blog personality be given full technicolor vision and surround sound! 🙂
Pierogies or bacon brittle? Tough, tough call…both please! 🙂
wow…jaden..congrats…..thats really great….and another reward your way…an award…check out my blog…
Congrats Jaden. Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed that we will get your show here in Australia (on cable tv). Hey, do you think maybe some of your cross dresser fans could/would post the episodes up on youtube so that I could at least watch it there?? Just kidding 😉
I love the look of your corn with cilantro/wasabi butter. So much so that I’ve decided that I’m going to make herb bread with it (the cilantro/wasabi butter) tomorrow night. Not sure if it will work, but I’ll let you know if it DOESN’T!
Hi Jaden,
I know you are busy, but I am shure your german husband will love this recipy “Wiener Schnitzel”……..
Good luck,
hey beautiful! you look stunning and oh so calm during your filming, interview and photoshoot! tasty looking food, great table setting and nice mood lighting, hee hee! great job!
OMG I can’t believe I forgot the best part.. your poor ass cheeks. But on the sunny side – another couple TV appearances and your ass will be rock hard! YEAH!!
Or you can try a dose of Beano the morning of. 😉
Aww such pretty pictures of you – ya gorgeous thang! =) I’m so excited for you.. how cool (and nerve wracking) this must all be! I wish I lived in the Sarasota area so I could watch on the 23rd! I think you should tape it and put it on You Tube. 😀
I can’t wait to hear/read more!
Wow! Congrats! I knew this was coming but didn’t know it was gonna happen in such a big way! Don’t forget us little people when Food Network snatches you up! 🙂
Congratulations, Jaden!!! I wish I could watch the segments. I love reading your posts — they never fail to crack me up!
I am so exited for you! I think you will make a great TV personality. Your are such a character and it will translate perfect to TV. Way to Go!
I generally have a very firm rule against grilled corn (boiled, please), but for you, Jaden, I will relent. I think the soaking trick is key- often grilled corn gets dried out.
You look so beautiful, Jaden, that photo is fabulous!
Good for you! My first time to your blog, the herb butter looks great! I’ll be back to read more for sure!
wow awesome. please try and upload the video to youtube or something. my cable tv doesn’t reach down to Florida. love the wasabi butter on the corn!
and also…
the maggi umbrella photo is THE BEST photo i’ve seen this year. ‘nothing can make food taste so good AND protect you at the same time!’
Hey, hey! What EXCITING news! Very, very cool! Congrats and hopefully this will air outside of Florida so we can all see it (though I just went to the web site and it looks like it has the shows online as well). As for the Jumbo/Jaden project, I vote for bacon brittle.
Mrs Steamy, can’t wait to see pictures of your sons messing with your blouse ties.
Bacon Brittle! That sounds ab-so-lute-ly delicious and fattening. I couldn’t believe that someone invented it. ;-P
Congrats on appearing on TV. I just knew you were a TV diva waiting to be discovered. Hope it leads to more and better things for you!
Jaden, you are a star! And funny, too…. I laughed all the way through your description of the television studio experience! If the show is broadcast beyond the Tampa area, please let us know when it will be on.
Gee, no wonder you’ve been ignoring all your readers who love you so very much. 😉 When your DVD boxed set comes out, or even if you just put each show on a VHS tape, send me a bill!
Oh, BTW … you’re going to have a lot of guys, and possibly some gals, wishing they were Tom, the sound guy … 😀
Gertrude- I don’t think I could ever be considered a celebrity unless I never have to ever do my laundry again.
Meeso- I SO wish it was storming outside so I could be lazy and hole up on the couch
Lynn- yeah. I was very very busy and couldn’t post for over a week…which is unlike me.
Melinda- Thank you!!!
Brilynn- “…honey!! we got another stalker! grab the cattle prod!”
Dani- YOU should be the one with a tv show!
Kirk- I’ll xerox my wok and send it to u
Valli- SHHHHHH!!!!
Kalyn- thank u!
Krizia- thanks, you beauty queen you!
WMW- oh. I thought the mic really needed adjusting
Foodie- I have an abnormal fear of four legged furry shits. so I try not to use those bad bad bad words
Amy- next project is a workout video
Martin- YouTube it is. will post.
Nicisme- Thanks for visiting!
EW Kitchen- Airs in Oct. I’ll let y’all know
Kelly- I wish I could get super fresh corn here….will have to ck the farmers market again.
Anh- you come to US and I will feed you, sister!
JEP- ::blushing::
Tiger-no just here in Tampa
Kat – thank you
Marvin- no, it will air here in Tampa FL – but I’ll put up on You Tube.
Restaurant Mom- Well once upon a time I submitted an audition tape, but they poo-poo’d me
Kenny- that would be my dream come true…I love HK
BBO- you guys are so sweet….always with kind words.
Cynthia- you, my dear, are an inspiration as well. thx for all your love!
Hi Jaden,
Congratulations! Sounds like a real fun time. Didn’t those lights make you want to squint? Love the corn photos. I too use a cilantro lime butter; what a great idea to include some wasabi!
Jaden, you are the best. I love everything about you. You’ve got style. I come for more than the recipes, I come to read what’s happening in your world too.
Hearty congrats on the TV stuff. I wish/hope I could see it here in the Caribbean.
You are an inspiration and I wish you much more success.
Love and hugs.
Souch lovely corns…. sunny yaw and myself love corn so much that we can’t do with out them. Your new craft yet anothe simple dish but so warm, so invitng and so deli…cious. Woah congratulation on your the foodshow… can we see the show? Sidney
Wow Jaden, you’ve become another STAR! Hope to see you hosting a cooking show on one of the cable channels in Hong Kong soon!
Congratulations Jaden! It’s like your own personal version of “The Next Food Network Star”!
Congrats Jaden. Is this gonna be on all over the country? Or just in Florida? You’re gonna have to youtube it for everyone that can’t watch! And holding in farts is bad for you. You need to learn how to let them out quietly.
I wish we had PBS here in Japan. Congratulations!
Do we get to see the show in California? If not, can you get a DVD copy and send it to me? ;p I can watch all day and maybe giggle esp. when I reminisce your blog writings and posting. Congrats again!
Tim Tam is one of my favs – Love it!
Thanks for sharing your success & beautiful pix—-including the one of you!
jaden, congratulation!!! I wish i could see your TV program. perhaps I must book a ticket to USA! 😀 😀
I would have never thought of that butter combination, but it sounds great. It looks sophisticated as well. Fresh corn is my favorite.
Awesome!!! Was wondering what you were up to, now I know. When do all of us get to watch your show? Can’t wait. Congratulations!!!
How exciting, Congratulations Jaden!
I just love reading your blog entries and I wish I could see your TV show.
HipHipHurra!!! 🙂
Congratulation Jaden, everything looks so gorgeous and you air/ray soo much “positive vibrations”. I hope I can see maybe your cook show via YouTube?!
All the Best from Germany,
Martin “BerlinKitchen”
Congratulations! You looked fabulous, really in your element! I hope this will be a national thing, can’t wait to see you on TV. 😀 And with all the butt clenching you’ll have buns of steel! (lol that part cracked me up)
Jaden! That is so very cool, and I don’t give a shark’s ass, I give a rat’s ass…so there.
Plus the corn looks fabulous, plus the eggrolls look phenomenal. You are a rockstar.
The corn looks so good and perfect till it can pass off as one of those Japanese plastic food display!!!!! Hahaha…You wonder why Tom has to reach in every 10 minutes??? ;o) Hey, do us folks in Malaysia get to see the show? Well, if you nomally don’t swear a lot, you should be doing fine with the “mic” control ;o)
🙂 Jaden you’re so sweet. I’m pretty sure that no one comes to your site SOLELY for the fab recipes. Maybe they used to, but then the recipe turned out so well that they felt a strange desire to learn more about their creator haha (I’m making you sound like God). Congrats on everything! I
Jaden, how exciting! I’m thrilled for you. Can’t wait to see the show. (And the corn looks fabulous.)
What a fantastic and rewarding experience. I enjoyed reading your post…it put a huge smile on my face!! Not that I’m not usually smiling!!!!I won’t tell your husband or your kids about the Tim Tams either!!!!!!
Wow you’re a star!!! Where do I send for an autographed photo? ;o)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You HAVE to let us know when we get to watch you…I can’t wait. Your personality is so big in your writing I can only imagine how funny, charming, and entertaining you will be on screen!! Oh yeah, and did I mention…GREAT RECIPES!!
That’s awesome! I can’t wait to see the end result… but not cause I’m some crazy stalker, cause I’m not.. really, I’m not… quit looking at me with shifty eyes…
Well…it just keeps getting better and better! Congratulations on your TV debut. How I wish I could see it. Bummer. I knew you would go on to bigger things and I am so pleased for you!
I knew something big was brewing when you didn’t post for a while. I didn’t know how huge, though. Wow! It looks like it’s going to be a fantastic show. I’m so excited for your show, your cookbook, your line of kitchen utensils, and your bobblehead! Kudos!
And the corn looks fabulous, too. Yummm.
You’re such a cutie, super funny, AND a great cook, of course you should be on TV! Lime, cilantro AND wasabi…oh yeah, I wrote this one down right now and seriously wish it wasn’t storming out I’d be grillin’ up a storm!!! Congratulations 🙂
Congratulations Jaden. You are one of the celebraties chef now. Do let us know when PBS is going to air your cooking show. I don’t want to miss it. Can’t wait to watch you on TV. Once again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!