Street Girls

My trip to NYC for BlogHer started off with a little hiccup, and it had everything to do with three bloggers’ naivety about NYC traffic and overestimation of our lady skills in attracting a cab.

Ree, Elise and I were supposed to host an award for the SocialLuxe party – we were to be on stage at 6:20pm on the dot. Elise and I were staying together at the Hilton, and at 6:00pm we spied the cab line at the hotel 10-deep. Oh crap. Ran to the street corner 1 block ahead. Cabs were whizzing by, we flashed our sexy legs, but not a single one stopped. This is what happens when you pass the 38 year old mark.

Three blocks away, from another hotel, Ree was also faced with a 10-deep cab line and decided to have the hotel staff call to hire a private car to take us all to the party. Ree told Elise and I to hang tight, wait by the street corner and quickly jump in. Look for a black private car.

So we anxiously waited with our tippy toes at the busy intersection of 5th and Avenue of the Americas. The trouble was that there’s a lot of them black private cars, especially at that ritzy intersection. Each and every single one of them that seemed to slowed down a smidgen, we’d bend over, squint and peer into the heavily tainted windows, trying to recognize any sign of a redhead Ree.

Yeah, so we looked like those kind of ladies. Except we didn’t have the long legs. Or the hooker-heels. Or the perky boobs.

Not one car rolled down their window.

We’d make terrible street girls.

Thank goodness for blogging.

“Fitty-figh dolla for muchy good time!”

Oh boy were we relieved when the 29th black car that came by was Ree, signaling us to jump in.

We arrived late – it took us 30 minutes to drive 20 blocks in rush hour traffic.

Could’a walked you say? Oh heck no. Did you see the shoes Ree was wearing?

The party hostesses forgave our tardiness, we even got a souvenier mug to take home.

The next evening, the three of us muskateers hosted an amazing party with nearly 100 of our close bloggy friends. It was there that I confessed to Marlboro Man that the reason I kept walking very slowly behind him was to check out his….ahem…shoes.

Our party was on the rooftop of Peninsula Hotel, its view was breathtaking….even through the lens of a cell phone camera….

Doesn’t Elise look like a movie star?

Unfortunately, that’s all the photos I have from that night – we were too busy sipping, tasting, talking to bother with more. Good friends came to hang out, and I finally got to meet Adam and Shuna for the first time in person. UPDATE: the photographer! I totally forgot we had a photographer and he’s posted photos.

The next morning, Elise and I realized that spring chickens we no longer were….so we went back to bed until 1:00pm for a lunch date with three hungry men and a Korean fried chicken joint that has a sandwich with a strange name.

After lunch and 2-hour detour to Matt & Adam’s favorite dishware/home goods/photography prop shops, ABC Carpet & Home and Fishs Eddy, we all settled for donuts……..doughnuts at the famous Doughnut Plant. I’ve never seen so many shots of half-eaten donuts….it’s a food blogger thing, isn’t it? It must be!

If it’s a food blogger thing, then fine. Here’s my contribution.

Twenty-four hours after our sugar splurge, I got to see sweets of my own….

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  1. I love your blog! I just found it today and I love it already! I’ve just added you to my google reader, I’ve been reading Ree, Elise, and David’s bogs for a while and I feel like I have added the missing food blogger from your group! I love the sense of tight knit blog community!

    • Nice to meet you too! Your ahi tuna poke photo is gorgeous.

  2. Do you have any other restaurant recommendations for NYC? I’ve been reading David’s and I hoped I could get a few tidbits from each of you bloggers that are attending. So what are your recommendations?

    • Boqueria Restaurant is a tapas restaurant – my fav restaurant in NYC!

  3. From NY here! There is no way you can make it anywhere in time within 20 minutes in NEW YORK! Even if it was 5 blocks away! There’s just way too much congestion on city streets. Anyway, I love your site and am a big fan!

  4. Hi!

    Wow, what a whirlwind wonderful tour. That’s great you finally got to meet Shuna, ain’t she the best? I miss her. What’s for lunch, I’m hungry.

    xo, Biggles

  5. Oh my gosh…you must have had so much fun! You all look SO beautiful, Jaden! I can’t believe you couldn’t get a cab…that is a joke, right? 🙂

  6. The party at the top of the Peninsula looks so fun! I went up there for a drink one afternoon and it was very cool. I was in the food breakout session and wanted to introduce myself!

  7. What fun. And I love the ‘no cab’s stoppped as we’ve passed the 38 year mark!

  8. This post cracked me up! It looks like another BlogHer was an amazing time without me! One of these times I won’t have a baby who is depending on me for nourishment at the same time as the conference and then I’ll be able to come too!

    But for now I will live vicariously through your post! What fun!

  9. Looks like you gals had a great time. Any plans to bring BlogHer to FL? My cousin is a big fan of the Lychee Martinis at the Peninsula. She never fails to tell me when she’s sipping one.

  10. I was having the same problem getting a cab at the same time you three were. I was trying to hightail it to the Martha Stewart party and finally found a private car to get me there. Your story is so much better than mine! I was just pacing, and tapping my foot.

    It was wonderful to meet you at the party Friday night and you are right, the view was absolutely gorgeous.

    The morning ride to the Andersons’ came too quickly Saturday!

    Looking forward to seeing you in San Fran!


  11. Hey Jaden, that’s a great story. I walked from the Hilton to your party. It’s only a few blocks but my feet were killing me by the time I got to bed at midnight — I’m not used to wearing heels anymore.

    Thanks again for the party and for playing the perfect party host by introducing me to so many new bloggers. Look forward to seeing you again at BlogHer Food.

    • It was good seeing you again! BlogHer Food will be a blast….don’t forget your party shoes

  12. Jaden this looks like such a great time!!! I do hope that we all have a similar experience this October in SF… are going to BlogHer Food, yes??? NYC is vicious at rush hour, good thing you made it to your destination at all.

  13. I am still pinching myself for getting to spend time with you on the rooftop. How did you ladies manage to get the breeze to blow for your event only? Magic.

    • The weather goddesses are easily bribed with chocolate

  14. Love this. All three of you look like movie stars. Ree with the heels (classic), Elise with the over-the-shoulder look (and I hardly recognized her sans glasses!) and you…with the entourage of cute boys greeting you at the airport:) Looking forward to San Francisco in October!

  15. Sorry I missed ya. Looks like y’all had a great time though.

  16. Great story Jaden! Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all; I’d love to get to a BlogHer conference one of these days. I just made all my plans for the FoodBlogForum seminar in Atlanta, though, which I am really looking forward to…see you soon 😉

  17. This is the best thing I’ve read in a really long time. So sweet, honest and down to earth. Glad you had a fantastic time in NYC and of course the best was saved for last.
    Come back soon.

  18. What a blast you must have had! Thanks for sharing the photos of you and the good time gals.

  19. my absolute favorite part? The pic of your boys at the end. The joy and energy. Makes my heart feel all fluffy n mushy.

  20. That’s a riot! I love the stuff about the black cars. My old boss used to fuss about not being able to find his limo in NYC when he was there on business. If you cute gals can’t get a ride, then I don’t see why a guy in a suit should have it any easier!

  21. Ha! Looks like tons of fun! I love it when you’re having too much fun to take many clicks!

  22. I am so glad I have height as an excuse; I haven’t needed to wear heels since I was about 6; when I think I must have already been 5′ tall. Now at 6′ I don’t listen to how it might slim down my calves; I don’t care. Flats are fun too; especially since my days of looking even slightly hookerish are in the past. At least since breaking a leg in Feb and still using a cane…yeah, not so much.

  23. I tried the “hailing cab with sexy leg extended” maneuver several times when I lived in NYC, but it never worked. And I was 25…with really nice legs. I think those cabbies are immune to wily female charms.

    Cab or no cab, it looks as though you had a blast in NYC.

    • Oh honey, no, I think the cabbies are immune to any females over the age of 35 slinging a 50 pound purse.

  24. Sounds like a great time in the big city!
    What a hoot ~~ I want to see the documentary movie please!
    Glad you all had such fun and thanks for posting about the whole thing!

  25. Not to worry Jaden! Cab drivers whizz past us spring chickens too!(I’m 24 and it happens to me quite often.) They were probably just off-duty. Looks like you all had a wonderful time in the city!

    • You’ll have to ask Ree why we insisted the camera man bring the camera higher to shoot lower on us!

  26. How fun!! Those shoes were insane. No way I could stomp around NYC in them.

    I wore heels to the Martha Stewart party and was nearly in tears by the end of the evening…

  27. Wow, looks like you guys had such a great time!

  28. Glad I’m not the only one who can’t hail a cab. I was trying to get one to leave the socialluxe party at the same time y’all were trying to get one to go. We probably passed each other on the way!

    Great party Friday night. Had a great time meeting new friends and seeing old ones. It was rough getting up at 5:30a.m. the next morning though. Lychees are dangerous when you sling them.

    See you at Blogher Food.

  29. You three crack me up :)!! I’m sure everyone at the party forgave ya’ll. Love the roof top at sunset…what a view but I think those sweets at the end steal the show.

  30. What an incredible time! Y’all are adorable & I am lursting after Ree’s shoes!

  31. It looks like such a fantastic time! I’m still kicking myself for not going, but it will be worth it in October when I’m in San Francisco, right?

    Thanks for sharing your trip!

  32. sounds amazing!!!! love the re-cap – I feel like I was almost there!! *almost*

  33. Whoa – you’re pals with Ree and Matt?! You lucky, lucky girl!

    • Yes I’m a lucky gal to have such great friends~

  34. What a fun time — and what a fun post!



  1. BlogHer 10 in New York: A Sea of Estrogen - [...] swank rooftop cocktail party thrown by mega star Ree Drummond, Elise Bauer of Simply Recipes, and Jaden Hair. And so…

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