5 Ways To Let Your Inner Light Shine Bright 

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This Week’s Intention: Let Your Inner Light Shine Brighter! 🕯🌿

We are in the depths of the winter months (spring is almost here, hang on my friends!), and I find that my own inner light isn’t as bright as perhaps the summer months!

I encourage you to tune into your own unique inner light this week. Here are 5 of my favorite ways to let your inner light shine below!

5 Ways To Let Your Inner Light Shine Bright 

  1. Tune Your Inner Radio Frequency To J O Y : Think of yourself as a radio (a very lovely multidimensional radio that is). Just as a radio does, we have the ability to “tune” our own energy and frequencies! Sometimes all it takes is bringing presence to a moment, where you find yourself on the wrong radio channel! In these moments, pause, slow down, observe how you feel, and then identify one small action or mindset change to help you shift into a more joyful state of being. This not only helps yourself but those around you and who you interact with in the day. 
  2. Be AUTHENTICALLY YOU!  You know what I am tired of… not being myself. We all are so unique and quirky in our own mind and most of us hide that beautiful authentic nature to the world. Tune into the inner child in you this week and dive into authenticity and fun. Speak from your heart and don’t be afraid to let your true authentic essence shine! 
  3. Get Some Sunshine and Nature Time: Sunshine and nature do wonders for our mood, mental health and physical body! Find some time to feel the sunshine on your face and soak in some rays (even in the colder months) and let your glow come alive. 
  4. Perform An Act of Kindness: Kindness, compassion and sympathy in my mind  are the ways that we shine the brightest. Challenge yourself to spread your own light this week by performing an act of kindness. When we do good for others, watch your whole mood shift into a beam of light to carry you through your day! 
  5. Choose High Vitality Foods And Increase Hydration. It is very hard to shine bright when we feel bad from eating a too many bags of chips. Believe me, been there, ate that. Tune into high vitality simple foods this week. Try incorporating more water dense foods to make sure your cells are nice and hydrated! 

My favorite way to let my light shine is to lean into authenticy!

So many times we dim ourselves, hide our quirks, our jokes, our points of view, our goofiness. I encourage you to lean into what makes you unique and share it with the world this week!

Tune into the inner goofball within and dive into more authenticity and fun! Watch yourself tap into more joy and allow others around you to do the same.

Let us know how this week’s intention goes for you by sharing in our SK Happy and Healthy Life Facebook Group or leave a comment below! 

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  1. I was surprised there was no mention of any scripture that talks about letting your “light shine.” In searching on Biblegateway.com I found more than 25 verses in the King James Version under that topic. A few of my favorites include: Isaiah 60:1
    Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

    Philippians 2:15
    That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

    Matthew 5:16
    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven

  2. I love this article! It’s very inspirational and put me in a good mood. I can’t wait to use some of your tips – to let my inner light shine brighter!

  3. Awesome post you have here! I love reading through the comments, and I also believe that being authentic is being true, embracing your flaws, and just letting yourself shine even in the darkest days. Just loving the vibes here! Thank you for sharing.

  4. i think Will Smith could use some “inner light”. and NOBODY was wearing masks ! so theres no more covid now?

  5. Thank you. It was an interesting article. Kindness and compassion can enlighten the human soul. Generosity is also very important. Wealthy people who are generous are always getting richer, and I have come to this conclusion.

    • Hello Roozaneh!

      Thank you for your feedback on this post. We totally agree. Generosity and kindness is key to fulfillment and happiness!

      SK Team

  6. My way to shine is to exercise!! It is so good for your body and mind-makes you feel better and think better plus look better!! Eat healthy and take care of yourself and you will always SHINE!!

    • LOVE this – we totally agree!


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