Reclaim Your Lunch Break: 5 Midday Self-Care Rituals

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Let’s talk about lunch breaks for a second, or, as many Americans know them, “that time of day when you scroll social media while inhaling a sandwich in three bites.” Yeah, we’re not doing that anymore. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I completely forget I even took a lunch break because I distracted myself with anything but the current moment.

When you think about it, lunch hour is prime real estate in your daily routine! And it’s the perfect time to sneak in some self-care rituals that will put you in a better headspace for the rest of the day. It’s time to reclaim our lunch break, and maybe with this small step, in time, a lot of other aspects of our lives. 


lunchtime at work

Why Reclaiming Your Lunch Break is No Longer Negotiable

Can we agree that adding a little more self-care to our day is a good thing? Even just a few minutes can improve our mental health, physical health, and even your productivity. Let’s dive a little deeper and talk about…

The Benefits of Making Your Lunch Break Sacred

  • It Boosts Your Mental Clarity
    Taking time to intentionally slow down helps you reset your brain. When you step away from work—even just for 30 minutes—you’re giving your attention span a much-needed breather. As a result, you’ll come back sharper, more focused, and better equipped to tackle the rest of the day’s big tasks.
  • It Improves Your Physical and Emotional Health
    Practicing present moment rituals like movement or mindfulness during your break can reduce your stress, lower your blood pressure, and even improve your energy levels. Plus, simple actions like taking a brisk walk or eating a healthy meal can help you avoid that 3pm slump where you’re fighting to keep your eyes open.
  • It Supports Longer-Term Healthy Habits
    Making personal wellness a regular practice sets you up for better mental and physical health over time. You might think of it as a mini investment into your emotional health that pays off long after the workday is over.
  • It Encourages a Positive Mental State
    Stop thinking about it as a luxury and more as the bare minimum. Tending to your well-being is one of the most important things you can do for your mental state. A little pause to breathe, stretch, or reflect can shift your mood and keep stress from piling up like an overdue to-do list.

The Downside of Skipping Self-Care

Constantly powering through your busy workday without giving your brain a break (and no, consuming social media does not count as a break), is the perfect recipe for burnout. Here’s what happens when you don’t take that time:

  • Your Stress Levels Increase: Not giving yourself a break keeps cortisol (your stress hormone) on overdrive, which can lead to chronic stress and an unshakeable feeling of overwhelm.
  • You Effectively Decrease Your Productivity: Working through lunch might feel like the best way to get more done, but it’s actually the surest path to mental exhaustion. Without a midday reset, your focus and efficiency take a nosedive, which is the exact opposite of what you’re trying to achieve. 
  • You Jeopardize Your Physical Health in a Very Real Way: Sitting for a long period of time and dealing with constant stress can lead to all kinds of physical issues, including back pain and poor digestion, just to scratch the surface. Not to mention, skipping healthy snacks or meals to “save time” can leave you feeling sluggish and irritable, and no one likes a crabby coworker.
  • You Create Unneeded Emotional Strain: Let’s not forget to mention your emotional health. When you seldomly slow down, irritability and even sadness can creep in. In fact, according to studies, distracted eating is linked to anxiety, overeating, and weight gain. And skipping those crucial self-care rituals makes it a lot harder to bounce back from life’s little annoyances. 

So, no. Reclaiming your lunch break isn’t simply about catching your breath. It’s the difference between just surviving and thriving. 

Not sure where to start? Here are some ideas.


midday tea at work

5 Ways to Turn Your Midday Meal Into a Mini-Retreat

Mindful Eating + Aromatherapy

The first step is to ditch the desk dining. Eating while staring at your to-do list is not a vibe. Instead, grab a healthy meal and eat it mindfully. Focus on the flavors, the textures, and how well it nourishes you.

You can even enhance this in-the-moment time with some essential oils. A little lavender in a small diffuser or a spritz of citrus on your wrists can transform your mental state, kind of like a relaxing bath for your brain, without needing to be near water. Bonus: Studies show essential oils can even lower blood pressure.

Journaling + Your Favorite Tunes

I don’t know about you, but I say we normalize jotting down thoughts like a high school student in a spiral notebook. Unload mental clutter. Reflect on gratitude. However you choose to do it, journaling is a great way to find mental clarity.

For an even better result, pair it with your favorite tunes. Whether it’s lo-fi beats or Taylor Swift’s “1989,” this ritual is meant to help you slow down and allow music to be your emotional support.

Get Outside for Fresh Air and Vitamin D

Listen, if you haven’t stepped into a green space today, go. NOW. A short walk in the middle of the day can do wonders for your mental health, and fresh air is practically medicine.

If you’re remote working or juggling a full-time job, carve out 10 minutes to walk around the block or, if you can, find a park. It’s one of the simplest self-care practices and will help you to reset your mental state, improve your attention span, and sneak in some much-needed vitamin D.

Power Naps + Guided Meditation

Feeling that mid-afternoon crash? A quick 15-20 minute power nap can do wonders for your energy levels and emotional health. No, you don’t need any special equipment—just a comfy spot (even your car!) and maybe a guided meditation app to ease you in. You’ll wake up refreshed, recharged, and ready to tackle whatever the rest of the afternoon throws at you.

Stretching + A Cup of Tea

This might bring back memories of your old high school gym coach, but hear me when I say… it’s time to stretch. Simple exercises, like neck rolls or reaching for your toes, can loosen up tight muscles, increase your blood circulation, boost your energy, and even enhance your mental clarity.

Follow it up with a steaming cup of tea. This little action goes a long way to soothe your soul and support your emotional health. (Certain herbs can also add an extra bonus benefit, depending on what you choose.) Plus, it’s an excuse to pause and enjoy something warm and comforting.


distracted eating

Overcoming Resistance to Lunch Break Self-Care

I get it. Prioritizing personal wellness during a busy day can feel super counterintuitive. Between endless meetings, overflowing inboxes, and the guilt of taking a break, it’s easy to shove you-time to the bottom of your to-do list. But you need to know: skipping it doesn’t make you a hero. It makes you (a probably cranky or burnt out) human. So let’s tackle some of the most common excuses for skipping lunch break downtime head on.

“I’m Too Busy”

Ah, the classic excuse. But here’s the thing: taking 15-30 minutes to breathe, stretch, or simply eat a healthy meal without distractions can make you more productive for the rest of the day.

Try this:

  • Start small. The easiest way to begin is by stepping away for a short walk or taking a few deep breaths.
  • Block your calendar. Honor your lunch break like you would any other meeting—non-negotiable and untouchable.

“I Feel Guilty About Taking a Break”

Guilt is that sneaky little monster that whispers, “You should be working.” But in reality, skipping breaks leads to burnout, lower productivity, and a negative mental state. You can’t pour from an empty cup—so fill it up!

Reframe it:

  • Think of breaks as fuel for the rest of your afternoon. Studies show a rested brain is a more focused brain.
  • Remind yourself that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s a healthy habit that benefits your work, your mood, and your physical health.

“I Don’t Know What to Do”

Not knowing how to spend your lunch break can make you default to bad habits, like scrolling social media or munching at your desk. And, spoiler alert: neither of those count as self-care.

Get started:

  • Experiment with different types of personal wellness. Try stretching, journaling, or simply enjoying fresh air in a green space.
  • Pick one favorite self-care ritual, like sipping a cup of tea or doing simple exercises, and make it a regular practice.

“I Always Get Distracted”

Electronic devices, coworkers, and that nagging to-do list can make it hard to focus on yourself.

Set boundaries:

  • Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” or leave it in another room.
  • If you’re in an office, hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign at your desk or retreat to a quiet spot.

By identifying and addressing these barriers, you not only reclaim your lunch hour but also honor yourself in the process.


self care ideas

Final Tips for Making It a Daily Ritual

The best way to stick to your new self-care routine? Keep it simple and keep it regular. You don’t need a long lunch or a lot of time. Just a little intention and some creativity. The daily grind will always be there, and these small moments are what keep you going

Do you have a favorite self-care ritual that you pair with lunch? Is there one you’re excited to try soon? Let us know in the comments below!

Health Fitness Tracker Smart Watch Giveaway

Take back your lunch break and make time for self-care. Discover 5 midday rituals to refresh your mind and body and enter to win a Health Fitness Tracker Smartwatch to keep you on track. Prioritize yourself today. Don’t miss out!


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  1. love to win the watch


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