Just Hatched!

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baby chicks hatching-1602

The baby chick above is a Blue Silkie Bantam – and will look like this when she grows up:

photo from My Pet Chicken

Beware of cuteness overload in this video!

Baby Chick Hatching


Chicken Hatching Equipment

This Spring’s chicks include:

We get our hatching eggs from My Pet Chicken. It takes 21 days of incubation to hatch chickens, so plan ahead!

The best home incubators are from Brinsea. Both of these have automatic egg turning and temperature control. We have both of these.

For up to 7 eggs: the Brinsea Mini Advanced Incubator. There’s a cheaper version, but I like this one because it is fully digital. At a glance, you can monitor humidity, temperature and a countdown of days til hatching time. It also includes automatic turning and cooling cycle.

The Brinsea Octagon 20 ADVANCE digital egg incubator is what you saw in the video – this one can hatch up to 24 chicken eggs. Like the smaller version above, this one is fully digital and includes egg turning.

Another must is a candler! The kids will love seeing the baby chick grow inside the egg. With a candler, you can see very clearly what is going on inside, from heartbeats to movements and chirping. I like this Brinsea Ovascope Egg Viewer because it includes an LED light, mirrors and a rotating base. For best viewing, the egg is placed inside the candler and then covered to keep it dark so that the LED can shine right through. In the old days, they used a candle – holding up an egg to a candle to view inside.

That’s all you need for hatching the eggs – but once they hatch, you’ll need a place to put them, a heat lamp, pine shavings, food and water. I’ll write more about our set up in another post!

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  1. I’m very worried. I watch this video every day.

  2. Have these guys survived your big-ass raccoon?? I just read that post. Please advise!

  3. Too cute! Those are the first of these chickens that I have ever seen. Very cool.

  4. Awww- so so cute! Thanks for sharing this video – it’s been ages since I saw chicks hatching in middle school!!

  5. Wow they are really looking so very cute and adorable. Hope you take good care of them they soon grow up much more beautiful and healthy in your hands. It would be lovely if you share a few more pics too. I love to see them here.Love you chicks………<3 🙂

  6. The video of the chicks being born was adorable! The added music and captions made it even more sweet to watch! It must be so exciting for you and your family! Please keep us posted! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Ha ha ha . . . . . The End!

    Love your subtitles and sense of humor. Started my weekend with a smile and I thank you for that.

  8. I always enjoy your forays into farming and veggie growing. I remember days when I kept baby chicks in a tub inside because I thought it was too cold, dust everywhere!

  9. Truly adorable. Thanks so much for sharing the video.

  10. Love the video!!!!

  11. Corban loved watching the video. We are looking forward to meeting the chicks in a few weeks. I was waiting for a poop shot, that’s what I remember most of raising baby chicks! 😉

  12. Oh my goodness they are so adorable! That’s fun that you have several different chicks! Can’t wait to see more of them 🙂

  13. Didn’t you or one of your kids name one “Nugget”? That is hilarious. Such a cute baby bird. Are certain breeds more aggressive than others?

  14. They are so adorable! Good luck with them. Loved the video.

  15. SO BEAUTIFUL! Thanks so much for sharing, that baby chick is absolutely gorgeous. We used to keep chickens when we lived in the DC area and one night a fox killed them all. 🙁

  16. They are adorable! Hope the chicks will do well. I love silkies, they are beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more of them.

    • Thanks Dee! Maybe you should get chicks too! 🙂



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