Mohawks and Tombstone in the Kitchen

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Our new “mail-order” baby chicks are now about 1 month old. For the first couple of weeks, the baby chicks are so adorable and teeny that you just want to keep them in your house and pet them all day!

Well, the bigger they get, the more they eat. The more they eat, the more they crap. Chicken poop STINKS.

We finally had to move them from our back covered porch to the second coop that Scott built for the ducks way out in the yard (The ducks never liked the coop anyways).

The babies will live there for another couple of months, until they are big enough to be in the Palace Coop with the rest of the hens.

Right now, they’re just too small – Oreo, our bossy mama-hen, would just peck on them. I’ve got three to introduce to you today. Quick, tell me which cartoon character this reminds you of:



Cruella is a White Crested Black Polish Bantam, when she grows up her bouffant billow out even more and will cover her eyes. She’ll look like this as an adult.

Crazy Mops

The next one is named Crazy Mops, a Silver Laced Polish. She’s CRAZY looking with the tall mohawk!! Who does she look like? I’m trying to think of what cartoon character she resembles.


Mrs. Fluffernuffer

Doesn’t she look like one of those Troll dolls on an end of a pencil that we used to have as kids?? The ones with fuzzy hair that fluffs out when you twirl your pencil really fast between your palms?!


I would show you more photos, but these little peckers are hard to catch! The duck coop is deep, low and long, and it makes catching the squirmy, squeaky chicks really hard to catch.

Kitchen Progress

Goodbye ugly tile!


Since the kitchen opens up to our family room, Scott put up plastic sheets to keep the dust contained in the area. It’s very Dexter-esque.


Oh look, is that a JACKHAMMER!??


Oh yes, it is.


We jackhammered into the concrete slab to bring power and water into the new kitchen island. It looks like we’re burying a dead body.


Complete with a metal tombstone.


I think the metal thingy is for the KitchenAid Downdraft Exhaust.

Not quite sure, but for a few days, it just looked creepy in my kitchen with all that plastic wrap, empty hole, tombstone and big ol’ pile of dirt. How many people does it take to bury a dead body?

Well, apparently a General Contractor, electrician, plumber, carpenter and a dog.


Deed, done.


Our security team on high alert:


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  1. I keep coming back to look at the dogs. 😀
    Keep up the great work in recipe developing, blogging and homesteading. All the best!

  2. Crazy mops looks just like Johnny Bravo!

  3. Crazy Mops looks like the guy from Kid ‘n Play!

  4. Thanks for sharing, love the chicks, Hope your kitchen gets done soon, I’m sure it is driving you crazy. It will be exciting to see the end results.

  5. The kitchen looks scary, what a mess! But the chickens and dogs are beautiful! Love the photos so much, thanks for sharing.

  6. How does the downdraft system work? The exhaust is pulled down to where? I want a real exhaust hood in my kitchen. We aren’t sure where it would go as the kitchen is below our bathrooms. I guess the stove would need to be moved to an exterior wall and the exhaust vent would go out the side of the house. But a down draft exhaust? Into our basement? I miss my old house with a self cleaning hood.

  7. Love the chickens, we have some to wanted some specialty but don’t want to order 30, and questioning good breeders. So if you don’t mind me asking, what website did they come from.

    • I bought them from I like them because their minimum order is small!

  8. Looks awfully stressful, but I’m sure the finished results will be worth it!

  9. I can’t wait to see the finished product! I know it’s going to be amazing!!

  10. Beautiful birds but I am in LOVE with Mrs. Fluffernuffer!!! So stinkin’ (pardon the pun) cute!

    Cannot wait to see your finished kitchen… Honestly, I feel like I’m waiting for my OWN kitchen to be completed… That’s how excited I am to see what you’ve come up with – I know it’ll be ah-mazing! And, make me want to gut my own kitchen… Because every girl wants THAT kind of tombstone in her kitchen! 😉

    PS – Love the crack security team!


    • Janet – will you come visit when the kitchen is finished!????? I will promise to feed you! LOL

  11. Love your chicks!!! I grew up with chickens and would love to have some now, but…danged HOA 🙁 Anyways, Crazy Mops totally looks like 1986 Oscars ‘Cher’!

    Keep up the amazing work…ADORE your blog & cookbook!!

  12. The hairdo’s on the baby chicks would make you laugh even on a bad day.

  13. i love how nosy one of the pups were, checking out the action. my dogs are nosy too!
    I have never seen chickens with awesome fro’s.

    • I have a security squad somewhat like yours. Always on alert to catch any crooks that are sleeping!


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