R.I.P. Crazy Mops

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We found what was left of Crazy Mops late this afternoon. Not sure what happened, the boys and I found the feathers and what what left of her body on the grass.

Life on the homestead….not always pretty, but you get to experience appreciation of new life and the respect of passing.

I can’t leave you with just the bad news, one of our 8 month old hens started laying. This is Fuzzy, a silkie hen.



Her egg is half the size of regular eggs. The big brown one on the upper left is probably a supermarket “large” size.


This hen is unnamed – but she’s an Ameracauna (we think)




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  1. Oh, I am so sorry about your chicken. That’s too bad. On the other hand that’s great that you are starting to get some beautiful eggs from the other one!

  2. My daughter has lost several of her free range chickens. We are in Central Florida and have a problem with coyotes. #CircleofLife Really missing our brown eggs. When I crack open a white one from the store it just looks so wrong with it’s pale yellow center.

  3. We recently lost one of our chickens to a fox. I think it’s the time of year the predators are filling their tummies before food gets scarce. The fox lost his fight though late last week. He showed up again (this time the chickens were not free-ranging) and he died of “lead poisoning”.

    • I wonder if fox would taste good with Jaden’s Magical Butter Sauce. Makes EVERYTHING better!

  4. I use to live in Honolulu and being still an island there lot mongooses around. On mountain side in the wood is where mongooses like to live and eat. I had pet rooster and hen and they roam around in the yard and in the neighborhood. People know them as the couple always together. One day the mongoose came into the yard and try to get rooster. Rooster was such a fighter claws the mongoose till it let go and ran off.

    Clinic for birds pets try to but too late rooster passed away. Hen roam only yard and passed away of old age.

  5. In Hawaii I lived on Oahu Honolulu but still in there mongooses around and that mongoose killed my pet rooster leaving my pet hen alone till she passed of old age. I was sad for they were well known in neighborhood for roaming around together and come back to yard for feeding. After rooster passing hen just stay in yard and never venture out
    of yard again.

  6. Awe sorry about your chicken…so sad, but such good life lessons in all your doing with your kiddos!!

  7. I would be traumatized, hope you and your family were okay! RIP Crazy Mops.

  8. Ah, poor thing. Sound like a bird of pray, unfortunately. You might want to take extra measures to protect the others as they tend to return (like only letting them out in a sheltered free-roam area). Your nameless chicken indeed looks a lot like an Ameraucana, hopefully she will surprise you with her nice greenish eggs soon as well!

  9. This is why I couldn’t have chickens (Not that I think my husband would agree to it anyway).
    Hope your boys were OK after “the discovery”….(and you too)


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