Cilantro is used in a lot of Asian and Mexican cooking.When purchasing cilantro make sure the leaves and steams are not bruised or soft . The fresh herb has thin, delicate leaves and flavorful steams. It is used in soup, stir-fries and noodle dishes. Cilantro should be stored standing in a container of water with leaves covered with a plastic bag.

Roast Apricot Adaptogenic Oatmeal
I know. Oatmeal is a bit of a bore. Bland. Mushy. The sad, neglected cousin of more thrilling breakfasts. But this? This is oatmeal revitalized! Succulent, caramelized apricots roasted with cinnamon and date syrup. Creamy, spiced oats with ashwagandha, the ancient...
I absolutely love cilantro. I love eating them in chicken broth and nothing else. I tried growing them three times and they usually die.