Gratitude + Glitz $250 Cash Prize!

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Hello and welcome to our Gratitude + Glitz $250 Cash Prize! We are giving away your favorite prize–CASH! It has been epic launching one giveaway every single day and we hope you enjoyed being surprised with a new prize every day.


gratitude + glitz $250 cash prize giveaway

The theme of this giveaway is gratitude and glitz because we have so much gratitude for you–yes YOU!

Thank you for supporting our giveaways and for always coming back to Steamy Kitchen and seeing what we have in store.


We’ll be sharing a few ways that you can express gratitude in every day life and spread gracious energy.

Attitude of Gratitude 

Gratitude is simple and leading with a thankful heart will make sure your day improves!


Create a gratitude journal. There are many gratitude journal prompts to guide you and get you started. 

Journaling about gratitude will shift your mindset into placing gratitude at the forefront. Life is so much better when you live with an attitude of gratitude because you are always finding new ways to appreciate the present moment. 

Express Thankfulness

This can be buying a cup of coffee for your co-working, stopping by the store to buy flowers for a loved on or just giving someone a hug and affirmation. 

You can also express thankfulness to yourself by embracing yourself and dropping a kiss on your shoulder. Or treat yourself to your favorite dinner and a decadent desert.

Be Present

Don’t get stuck in the past and stop worrying about the future. As many wise people have stated, the present moment is the only one you can be sure of so live in it.

One of the best ways to cultivate gratitude is to begin noticing small beauties in every day life and being grateful for them! Things as simple as a sweet cool summer breeze or the way someone you love walks into a room. 


Think of something happy or simply give gratitude to the fact that you have woken up to yet another beautiful day.

The science behind smiling has shown that smiling stimulates happy chemicals in our brains. Engaging your smile muscles, sends signals to the reward system of your brain and in turn, your brain releases happy endorphins–even if you aren’t in the best mood. 


Celebrate yourself and all of your accomplishments! Start small like when you wake up on time or remember to grab your car keys before walking out the door. 

This will begin to help you express gratitude towards yourself rather than getting angry or mentally beating yourself up.

$250 CASH 

Win $250 CASH to spend on yourself and loved ones! How could you spend $250 to make someone else’s day? 

We are giving away $250 CASH to one lucky winner! You will be able to spend it on anything that you want. Treat yourself, treat your kids, treat your significant other, spend it on something that makes you happy.

Enter to win below and don’t forget to collect bonus points to gain more entries and increase your chance of winning!

Gratitude + Glitz $250 Cash Prize!

Enter the giveaway below!

Slow your scroll!

Share with us in the comments one way that you could spend the $250 cash prize to make someone else’s day?


This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure policy for more information.

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  1. By taking them grocery shopping

  2. a new laptop

  3. I would get some plants for the house and flowers to brighten up the room


  5. Would pay for gas to go see my daughter in PA.

  6. I’ve been having trouble with your contests the last few weeks, the entry forms aren’t coming up. Please help!!

    • Hello Jen!

      We want you to have a great experience with our giveaways! If you are having issues with our giveaways here are a few things to know:

      1. Try to clear your cookies or try a different internet browser (i.e. chrome or firefox)
      2. If the form isn’t loading for you, then it is possible that you have been rate limited. This is common if you are opening 40+ giveaways at once and trying to enter all at one time, as the system is designed to trigger a rate limit because it is typically unusual activity! Rate limits last one hour.

      Thank you and good luck!

      Steamy Kitchen Giveaways Team

  7. Would get my husband desperately needed new work pants & shoes Thx for chance❣️

  8. I would use the $250 to buy a HomeSense gift card for my daughter; she needs basic kitchen utensils, etc.

  9. I’d make several sweet breads for my neighbors to gift to them individually for being so thoughtful and helpful to me and my husband when we could not get our driveway shoveled over last winter and other little tasks for us as seniors as a thank you and to show our appreciation.

  10. I would love to spend this money on plants and flowers for my garden, hanging baskets and planter boxes and pots. Thanks for this fantastic chance!

  11. Would use this as a BD gift for my Mom so she could get some clothing that she needs.

  12. Would take my wife out to a nice restaurant

  13. What a nice way to give back. Love this

  14. I could buy my two grand sons a late Christmas gift wasn’t able to give them any thing this year

  15. I would love to be able to give my daughter a spa day. She is the mom of a 2 year old and 5 year old beautiful babies. Her husband works 10-12 hours everyday so she deserves a day to herself to relax.

  16. Lunch and pedicures for my sister and I would be a fun way to spend it.

  17. I would donate to a homeless shelter that needs lots of things.

  18. Both of my children are parents of young children and never have much time to themselves or money to treat themselves to an evening out. I would give them the money for an evening of fine dining and a night out on the town while I watch their kids.

  19. This would help my daughter to pay bills when she goes in for endometrial surgery

  20. $10 gift cards to a coffee place for all my coworkers

  21. My youngest daughter just started a new job in a Realtors office and needs clothes for work. Her Christmas list is work clothes from Shein. My oldest works in manufacturing at an herbal store and goes to multiple companies everyday. She also just started her own business making aura sprays and candles but she also really needs work clothes so I would split it evenly getting them clothes on Shein. They work so hard and not only deserve it but it would make a huge positive impact for them. Thank you

  22. 5 grandchildren each sent $50 for Christmas

  23. I’d save it for a bigger purchase down the line.

  24. I could take my family out for lunch and then putt-putt golf. Ice cream after.

  25. I would buy groceries for my daughter and her family. She is on disability so it is hard to stretch the little money they get for decent food.

  26. Spend it on my husband, who’s my caregiver
    Thx for chance❣️

  27. I would share it with my daughter. We have had a rough year.

  28. Oh, I would gather up the family and go visit my son who has REALLY wanted us to come for a visit

  29. Take Mom out for dinner.

  30. I would take my longtime friends out for lunch and a manicure for their birthdays.

  31. My fiance’s car broke down completely so this would help with getting that repaired.

  32. This is a lovely post. During the most difficult time in my life I began a gratitude journal & before sleep each night challenged myself to find 3 things I was grateful for that day. At first it was a struggle but it’s a life changing habit that changes perspective exponentially. Thanks for another great giveaway!

  33. I started cutting my own hair when hair salons were shup down because of Covid, and I am still doing it. I would treat myself to a professional haircut and a bit of pampering!

  34. I would love to be able to spend this on my boyfriend to make his day. Some shopping and a nice dinner out.

  35. Yesterday I entered all the new giveaway giving my information and entered the bonus. Today I had to do it all over and it gives me only today’s entries. something is wrong.

    If I would win this giveaway I would spend it on my 2 sisters for sure. I have been batting cancer since December 1, 2021 and they have been my rocks, helping me, driving me to my treatments, listening and giving me support. I still have 6 months of treatment to go through and they are not giving up on me so for sure if I was to win, I would spoil them

  36. I would love to take my 78 year old Mother to have her hair and nails done. She never has enough money to treat her self. Thanks for the chance.

  37. gift my daughter for birthday

  38. My son has never complained when I need help. He is in his 20s and greets each request with a smile. He shows such kindness. My neighbours know they can could on him if they need help. His computer’s battery needs replacing and I’d love to do that for him. He is an artist and this would be a great surprise for him.

  39. I would share the 250$ with my family, For gas to visit our family that we have not seen sence before Covid. Way to long for the older people living alone

  40. My son and daughter in law have lost so much, I would give them the money to help towards buying food. Thank you so much.

  41. My hubby and I are elderly, we are so blessed, we survived covid last year. We bought a house 3 months ago, and it needs new floor in the kitchen and front entry. The underlayment buckled and caused tiles to crack and a couple were broken off. The flooring is no longer available. We would use this money to fix both floors.

  42. Would be an awesome prize to win !!

  43. This money would be for my little niece she has a birthday coming up and would love to have her as she says redecorate her bedroom

  44. I would buy my son his birthday present due to being in a hard place he’s not able to get one this year so here’s hoping

  45. I’d put it toward the expenses of visiting my daughter—I get to see her new home!

  46. Steamy might reward me for reviewing their products so I’d buy at least one cookbook from them and say THANK YOU & tell all my friends. I could use a toaster oven because I lost the tray to mine!

  47. id use it to do the shopping we normally have to do with money and instead of using cash we can use this card and then pay the bills due with the money i didnt have to use on food. then i wont have to worry weather were gunna have enough money for food this month or not. it would be awesome!

  48. I’d buy my husband a new PlayStation controller

  49. I would buy my husband an electric chair that lets him get out of his chair easy to replace the chair he has that doesn’t work anymore.

  50. I could use it to help but groceries for a family of 5 kids that I know are really in need of food.

  51. Would give this to my Mom for her BD so she could buy the clothes & supplies she wants and needs

  52. I try to think of the good things in my life when I am overwhelmed by the bad things. There are more good things. This helps.

  53. Very often I stop to think of something I am thankful for. Many times it is water or air or my bed or my house. Most of all I am thankful for my husband. If I win this giveaway. I will give it to him to buy whatever he wsnts.

  54. nice

  55. I would give this to my son and wife for a housewarming gift!

    • I would buy my sister a spay day she works 12 hours a day overnight 5 to 6 days a week most weeks

  56. There’s a young boy in the neighborhood who’s dad died several years ago. I would love to get him a new bike as we have become friends all from him stopping by to pet my cats. His mom is wonderful.

  57. I could use it to buy my mom a spa day and flowers for her birthday!

  58. I would use the $250 to help me daughter pay her rent. She just turned 18 and is trying to get a job & on her feet but she’s getting ready to be kicked out because she doesn’t have the other half of her rent which is $250 so this would be a miracle for us right now. Thank u so much for this opportunity.

  59. I would by my baby a gift

  60. I would give this to my son and his girlfriend. They are young and just starting out, so every little bit helps.

  61. Maybe a wedding gift for my grandson!?

  62. I could send books and a cardigan to a family member in the nursing home.

  63. We’ve been very fortunate through the pandemic. Staying home, staying healthy, job intact. I’d donate to 1 or 2 local charities who are in need of $250 far more than we are.

  64. Looks like you are having major issues – I and many others cannot use the entry forms as they are simply NOT WORKING…..

    Can you please fix?

    some friends are reporting that is will work intermittently…. i have tried a couple of other browsers and sill no luck….

  65. $250.00 doesn’t go a long ways nowadays but it certainly can make a dent. My 34 year old daughter just mentioned she has never completed the treatment on a tooth of hers. I would give the money to her so she can fix her tooth.

  66. I would buy my son groceries.

  67. Buy dinner for someone that has less than I

  68. There’s still an issue with entering… haven’t been able to enter any for several weeks. I’ve commented, and noticing several others are experiencing the same. Each individual promo shows “You’re entered” and I can’t enter additional daily entries. I’ve lost interest, which is

  69. Donate to an animal shelter.

  70. Buy. a gift for my mother’s 99th birthday!

  71. I haven’t been able to enter any of your giveaways in several days. Either no form comes up or it leads nowhere. Help!

  72. I’d get lots of books for my grandkids.

  73. tis the time of the year again and funds are tight. would love to give some good gifts to my family . spouse and kids. take them out for a meal and a movie maybe and later on buy some small gifts for each one of them. This way i would be able to show my gratitude to them

  74. I was entering your contest for some time but for past month or so, I have been unable to enter. When I click on an item and scroll to the bottom there is no enter bar. It just goes through to other items. Then there are times when the enter bar does appear, click on but it doesn’t move. It just stays there, looks like it’s working but never moves.
    I’ve contacted you before about this problem, but there has been no response. Thank you

    • I would by my soon to be 5 year old something really nice and fun for her birthday coming in March

  75. I’d buy groceries for my son and my 5 grandchildren.

  76. I would treat my family to gifts.

  77. presents

  78. Jacquie-I am also having problems with the site. I try to enter daily ad it says I have already entered!

  79. Use it to get our marriage license and get married at the court house no big wedding huge party after wards

  80. Christmas presents

    • I would buy my daughter and granddaughter some groceries she lost her job and needs the help.

  81. I would give it to my unemployed son so that he could buy groceries.

  82. This would be very helpful for Christmas preparations.

  83. I’ve contacted previously about the problems I’m having accessing your promotions. Firstly there is no enter bar and when there is an entry bar, when you click on it the bar looks like it’s working but doesn’t submit the entry. It has been this way for some time. Surely I can’t be the only one experiencing this problem. I like your site and I want to again.
    Harold Zettel
    Telephone # [519] 637-3447

  84. This would help buy gifts for my grandchildren

  85. Some of it would go to feed hungry children.

  86. Génial pour une sortie entre fille. Merci

  87. I am a teacher trying to buy a new home. This would really help with renovations!

  88. contests not working any more

  89. I would treat my whole family to dinner out. Wait, maybe I could do arrange a photo shoot with/for my family. Hmm? I need to think about this some more.

  90. I would use it to buy groceries

  91. I could purchase a meal for the Healthcare professionals that have taken such good care of myself and others.

  92. Some one would get an super sized present.

  93. I’d spend it on my husband who’s been taking care of me & everything else while I await hip surgery.

  94. The giveaways are not working for me today. They say I am already entered but the date does not show that I am entered. The space to click on enter does not come up today. The pictures are all there but I cannot enter.

  95. I would use it towards a Kitchenaid stand mixer. I have arthritis and it’s almost impossible for me to mix by hand or hold onto a hand mixer.

  96. Anything for my newlywed hungry homeless youngest family of 4 in another state. I gave my all, all year.

  97. 50th wedding anniversary on Jan. 8 2022 The money would help with celebration.

  98. no entry form

  99. I would like to have that money to use it on my mother’s medicine

  100. I would treat myself and my daughter to a spa day

  101. I would love to use this towards a holiday feast with my Mom-in-law. Being able to enjoy a small charcuterie and cheese assortment would be wonderful! I love smoked salmon lox, for example.

  102. With deep gratitude, I would treat my pandemic buddy to sips & nibbles and manicure & pedicure services at the local spa.

  103. I would spend it on my two sister that was there for me from last Dec to now, I have liver transplant , they was there ever time I had to go back for 2 1/2 hour both ways. I am so very grateful for them.

  104. I would buy a gas gift cart for a young student so he could drive home for Christmas.

  105. $250 could buy my husband a special present: a scotch advent calendar. He was tempted to buy himself one last year, but it was too expensive.

  106. The gratitude and glitz top right corner banner should say $250 value not $100.

  107. I’d spend it on hookers and blow, that’d be a great time!

  108. Thank you so much for fixing the pages where the entry forms did not come up, or were not submitted when completed.

  109. I would treat my son & grandson to a steak dinner


  111. Love the opportunity to win the great prizes and cash contests. Bring it on!!

  112. My Daughter would LOVE a spa day !!!!!!!!!!

  113. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this sweepstakes!

  114. I’m grateful for my best friend and being connected with her after 50 some years. I would love to go visit her and spend some time seeing where she lives now and going to museums and creating all the artistic things we talk about doing when we get to see each other in person, so this would actually be enough for me to do just that since we both moved to the middle and are now just one state away from each other instead of the whole country apart!!

  115. My daughter just moved into town and she needs a few things so I will surprise her and my granddaughter with some things they need such as food and clothing and a snow shovel.

  116. I think I would put this money toward taking my daughter to a spa day.

  117. I could spend the $250.00 cash prize to make someone’s day better by donating to metropolitan ministries in Tampa, FL. They are collecting monetary donations for Thanksgiving Dinner for those in need.

  118. Thanks for the opportunity to win great prizes.

  119. it would be nice to win this – I could get some extra christmas gifts

  120. I would have my niece and nephews go online shopping with me and spend it all on them. They’re all very good hearted souls and I am very proud to be their Auntie! It’s been a long time since we spent time together and I would be getting the most out of it since spending time with them is priceless.

  121. I would buy my nephews a new game for their video gaming console. The rest, I’d use for good cat food, as I’ve had to buy the cheap stuff lately. Lost my job 4 yrs ago, so it’s been hard.

  122. I could make my husbands day by buying him some saddle bags for his motorcycle or a helmet that he’s always wanted!

  123. I would get my kids some new clothes! They outgrow things so fast. Usually we shop secondhand, it would be a real treat to get new and longer lasting clothing.

  124. My daughter is a teacher of 10 wonderful SPED student in a low income district. I would like to use the $250 to add provide some exciting additions for these much deserving students (and my daughter.)

  125. Thanks for the opportunity!

    • Make an awesomely romantic home-cooked meal. Consisting of the freshest food around and all of his favorite foods. I want him to know how special he is, he’s a wonderful partner, protector, supporter, best friend. I’m honored to call this man mine. I would love to celebrate him.

  126. No entry form comes up

  127. This would be great for my partner, a good spa day would benefit her as it has been a bit crazy at her workplace this year.


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