Bloom Big: Spring $250 Cash Prize Giveaway

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Welcome to the Bloom Big Giveaway Series! We want to bring in the fresh season, in a big way, with big prizes and a big chance to win! 

We have selected three prizes that we know you will love and are some of our highest value prizes! The theme of these giveaways are to be in a season of bloom! Allowing yourself to revisit goals, bring in new growth and a fresh energy into spring! 

Welcome to the final giveaway of the series – the Spring $250 CASH Giveaway! We are excited to be giving a cash prize to a lucky person from our community to put towards goals this spring! 

Spring Cash Giveaway

Just as you may be looking to prepare your garden this spring, we hope you put the same love and attention to yourself! Here are a few steps on how to relate your garden to yourself! 

Pull Those Weeds: the long cold winters can create some stagnant energy in our minds, bodies and homes! “Pull your weeds” by getting outside, clearing your mind, breathing fresh air, opening the windows and allowing some brightness back into your space! 

Get Clear On New Seeds To Plant: while you are picking out what you might garden this year, also look at what “seeds” you want to plant for yourself in this next season. This means getting clear on some goals that you have and clarity on what you are wanting to call in! This is the first step to blooming! 

Tend To The Basics:  Just like those plants need water, light and love, so do you! Make sure you are tending to yourself this spring with some self care, extra water and. hydration and lots of outdoor time! Take care of your basic needs and watch yourself have more energy to put into your goals! 

We hope that this $250 cash prize can help you bloom big this year! Let us know what you would put $250 cash towards in the comments! 

Bloom Big Spring Cash Giveaway

Bloom Big: Spring $250 Cash Prize Giveaway

Enter below. 

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure policy for more information.

Did you try this recipe? Please leave a star rating in the recipe card below and leave a review in the comment section! I always appreciate your feedback and I know other readers do, too!

Stay in touch with me in our Facebook group, on Pinterest or follow me on Instagram! Sign up for my email list, too where we chat all things recipes, tips, giveaways, and more!


  1. Well, I would use it for spring and for our little garden of veggies! I love having extra to share with people who dont have gardens of their own.

  2. Thank you for offering a variety of prizes and Instant Win. I do my best to enter but sometimes I get busy with daily chores and cooking. Every other week or so, I help my youngest child and his total of 5 in his family help do laundry, fold and put it all away. Please keep offering so many nice items and gift cards. It brightens up the day !

  3. My washing machine just died. My son is using money he earned selling his drawings. He worked so hard for it and I’d love to give it back to him. He is amazing.


  5. what a dream it would be

    • what does awaiting moderation mean? I have seen it many times when I left a comment. Does it mean my entry is not accepted? Please reply

  6. i WOULD get my son tickets to florida to see family for helping me take care of his dad who has dementia

  7. I am trying desperately to save for adding on a bathroom with a washer and dryer in it on my main level because I have cancer and have a hard time walking down the basement stairs.

    • I would ise the money to fix up my flower garden with a new bird bathe and flower pots. Buy some fertilizer and new soil and a few other new flowers of other colors. The leftover I’d use it to tbuy groceries for the family. Fingers crossed! Thanks

  8. I would use it to feed my organic vegetable patch

  9. Hi, would thrift store shop for summer clothes and get a head start on some Christmas gifts and watch out for cold weather items, sweaters, sweat shirts and an all weather rain coat…

  10. I would like to go to some yard sales or thrift stores, salvation army goodwill get some some summer clothes and maybe find a treasure

  11. I sure could use for food! I live on social security and this could help with food!

  12. I’d put it towards a fence so my fur baby can go out whenever he wants, even if mom’s arthritis is hurting!

  13. Buy new shoes for my boys and take them to breakfast/lunch, just have a fun day!

  14. A good dinner for the family.

  15. I could use for groceries! Great giveaway!

  16. I had to have a tree removed last Fall and it left a bare spot in the middle of my yard. I’d love to replace it with $250.

  17. I would really use this! This site has the beat prizes ever!

  18. I’d put it toward RV fuel.

  19. new games for my nintendo switch

  20. I would use it for a new and very large bookcase if I win.

  21. I would buy a birthday gift for my daughter

  22. I would put this towards gas for my car

  23. I would buy a new lawn mower, old one barely holding on

  24. I would buy a new lawn mower, old one barely holding on

  25. If I wanted to learn if I wanted to fix it with you outfit my 32′ greenhouse so it just bought. I bought a new home after a 23 year fight with workman’s cop. I could live my dreams and grow my vegetables

  26. If I won the $250.00 I would use it for fuel to go see my elderly parents in Kansas. I haven’t seen them since covid hit. My dad’s 80th birthday is in August and I’d love to be able to afford to go celebrate his special day.

  27. This would be so great for garden and canning supplies!

  28. I would use the $250 to help pay for my $3500 periodontist surgery, that I am having next week. Not looking forward to eating soft foods for 1-2 weeks. Definitely could use some recipes.

  29. If I won this, it would help me to put a roof on my cabin, it was a very cold winter for us.

  30. If I won, it would either go to credit card bills (depending on if I have a balance) or I would but a good supper to make at home.

  31. I would put it toward getting a toilet that works properly.

  32. This card would surely assist my food purchases in these expensive times!

  33. If I won I would add to our savings for when my husband retires next year.

  34. More plants!

  35. oh yes

  36. I am saving to take my son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter on a vacation. This would certainly help!

  37. pay credit cards

  38. if i won the $250 i would spend it on christmas gifts. i like to be prepared. gives me a sense of security.

  39. I would use this to either get healthier groceries, or help pay the electric bill! Thank you for the chance!

  40. If I won, id get my son the special shoes he needs at 11 cause of planters facetious.

  41. A new patio set

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  44. If I won this $250, I would help my daughter with her medical bills. She is struggling to keep working so that she can pay her bills, but she needs treatments to be able to work and her insurance doesn’t cover them.


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