Sweepstakes Advantage x Steamy Kitchen $400 Amazon Gift Card Instant Win

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Hello everyone! We’re so excited to announce this exciting collaborative giveaway today!

We’ve teamed up with Sweepstakes Advantage to give you a chance to win big with $400 worth of Amazon Gift Cards to give away. We have a grand prize and many runner up prizes so make sure to read more below.

Sweepsadvantage $400 AMazon Gift Card Instant Win

Sweepstakes Advantage

Sweeps Advantage is a top-rated sweepstakes website that provides a wide range of giveaways and sweepstakes online. Sweepstakes Advantage was established in 1997 as one of the most comprehensive sweepstakes and contest directories on the internet.

And this year they are celebrating their 25 year anniversary! In celebration we wanted to do something special together and to give back to as many giveaway participants as possible.

That means we have $400 of Amazon E-Gift Cards to give away in this exciting instant win.

sweepstakes advantage logo


Instant Win Prizes

We are happy to have teamed up together to have tons of Amazon Gift Card prizes and opportunities to win. Here are the prizes below:

  • 1 Grand Prize Winner of a $100 Amazon E-Gift Card
  • 2 Runner Up Winners of a $50 Amazon E-Gift Card
  • and TWENTY Winners of $10 Amazon E-Gift Cards

Sweeps Advantage and Steamy kitchen

We chose to partner with Sweepstakes Advantage because of their reputation for delivering great prizes and their huge selection of sweepstakes. We’re excited to work with them to offer even more chances to win.

With so many great prizes up for grabs, you won’t want to miss out on this incredible opportunity. Good luck!

Sweeps Advantage and Steamy kitchen giveaway details

Sweepstakes Advantage & Steamy Kitchen $400 Amazon Gift Card Instant Win

Spin to win below. 



This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure policy for more information.

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  1. how awesome what a great collaboration!!! Good Luck everyone!!

  2. Great giveaways!

  3. I could buy my grandkids a desk off of Amazon to do there school work on

    • With a 100.00 I would pay on my phone bill

  4. I could buy my son a apple watch for his birthday

  5. If I won 50.00 I could use towards western boots for my son’s birthday

  6. I could use towards video camera for a birthday present

  7. I could buy a trampoline for grand kids

  8. I would love to win to buy my grand sons a game machine

  9. I could buy a car battery mine is going out heats getting to it

  10. If I could score the 400 I could make a wish come true with a play station

  11. I could really use this card to purchase items for my daughters 2nd year of college in a dorm! Thanks for running this cool contest!

  12. I could buy a new bike with a basket and ride to town

  13. I could buy my grand sons remote control car s

  14. I take grandkids to race go carts at boomers

    • I could take my son some were for his birthday August 26

  15. This would be awesome to win. I love shopping at Amazon. Thank you.

  16. I could buy groceries online while I wait for my hip surgery to heal

  17. I could buy a karaoke machine for grand kids

  18. 100 I would buy school clothes and 50.00 I could buy shoes and an out fit and 10.00 l would buy pizza

  19. God willing I could get my little guys what that wish for the play station for the kids

  20. I would love to surprise my grand sons with a playstation at there door

  21. Astonishing conttest even though luck is never on my side a girl can wish

  22. My family could go to a rancho and rent horses to ride

  23. I could buy my grand kids Disneyland tickets

  24. It would truly be a blessing I am hoping God helps out on this one thank you and God bless to your staff for the giveaway

  25. Yeah for the 400 card that I need to get my grandkids a playstation

  26. Let the fun begin for a play station 4 with the card thank and God g bless

  27. I could buy some school clothes for my grandson s

  28. I could buy a play staion 5 with the card

  29. I am praying for the card to make my grandkids wish come true that’s a play station machine

  30. I would use the 400 towards play staion

  31. Your giving everyone a great opportunity to win an azoning prize thank you

  32. Exalted prize give away who could buy some thing I would spend on grandsons

  33. I could buy gift cards for grandkids to buy a video game machine they really want

  34. I could take my grandsons to Disney land

  35. Incredible prize give away thank you so much my grand kids are prying grands choosen for there game machine

  36. I could buy my grand sons late birthday present s

  37. I would use to buy my grand sons something nice from grandma such as a game machine

  38. I would use this gift card to buy vitamins, supplements, and groceries to keep me healthy, and for household products to keep my home clean.

  39. I could buy a play station 5 for my grandson s who I missed his birthday and Christmas

  40. I could use to buy my grandsons a play station 5 as they never received Christmas gift this year from me no money to do so

  41. Hi the spin option isn’t working but if I won 400 I’d take my son’s to Disney this summer to meet mickey mouse n the others n try to find myself a princess.

  42. 400 I would buy my son weights he has always wanted

  43. I would give to my son who’s in the was in the army he pays child support for 3 kids and buys nothing for his self

  44. If I won the 400 I would buy a law mower

  45. I love your contest trying to enter hope it works

  46. Exciting collaborative giveaway Nice.
    teamed up with Sweepstakes Advantage to give you a chance to win big with $400 worth of Amazon Gift Cards to give away. Thank You.

  47. Awesome prize I would use to buy shoes

  48. Great giveaway

  49. I won a gift card and got the email but the link did not work. My email then deleted the email because i clicked on the link. Can you send the proper link?

    Congrats! You won the $10 Amazon Gift Card prize!
    You just won the prize. Check your inbox for details!

    • Hi Brian!

      Thank you so much for writing in and Congrats! We are truly sorry if the link isn’t working.

      Please send an email to steamykitchengiveaways@gmail.com and We will be glad to assist you.

      Thank you so much.

  50. Great giveaway opportunity ❣️ Thx for chance


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