What is 3x3x3 Meal Planning? Not Just Another Diet

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With so many diets and meals plans out there, it’s hard to know which one works best, and due to bio-individuality, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. What may work for one person might not work for others. That’s why we’re talking today about the 3x3x3 Meal Plan, a simple approach to eating that anyone can master. 

We’re here to fill you in on all the details regards this uber-easy meal plan system, so you can make an informed choice on if this particular way of eating is right for you. 

salad salmon baked crispy chickpeas fresh strawberry vinaigrette

What is the 3x3x3 Meal Plan?

The 3x3x3 Meal Plan (also known as the 3-3-3 Method) is all about balance and simplicity, and it’s pretty straightforward: 3 meals a day, and each meal includes three parts—a protein, a fruit or vegetable, and a source of carbohydrates, and you’ll aim for those portions to be equal. It also includes 2 snacks per day, each of which consists of 2 items from the same list. The whole point of this meal plan is to nourish your body without the complication of complex diets, extensive restriction, or counting calories.


all the fixings for this pineapple chicken buddha bowl

Why It Works

The 3x3x3 Meal Plan adheres to some important dietary principles. It’s balanced, yet still offers variety, 2 critical aspects of maintaining a healthy diet. By including proteins, fruits or vegetables, and carbohydrates in every meal, you get a great mix of macronutrients that support your energy levels, repair your muscles, and improve your overall health.

3x3x3 was inspired by a meal plan built by Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association in response to growing trends of obesity and diabetes, and as a means to relieve the heavy patient load on overworked global health care systems. It works by ensuring the intake of healthy macronutrients (through limiting carbs and encouraging protein consumption), as well as micronutrients (through the intake of fruits and veggies). According to their clinical practice guidelines, with just these simple lifestyle changes, most individuals can achieve an improvement in their health-related quality of life. 

The 3x3x3 Meal Plan is also commonly used by healthcare professionals as a dietary prescription for people in early stages of eating disorder recovery. It works by decreasing their preoccupation with food, restoring fullness and hunger cues, and decreasing over and under-eating while still following the most important dietary principles. By introducing a more open meal plan, and not a diet, 3x3x3 encourages people to become more in tune with their bodies. 


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How to Build Your 3x3x3 Meal

The 3x3x3 meal plan is kind of like a nutrition goal cheat sheet. Here’s how to put it into practice:

  1. Choose a protein: Opting for a lean protein is encouraged, like chicken, fish, tofu, beans, or even eggs. The goal is to get enough protein to support your muscles and fill you up.
  2. Choose some veggies (or fruits!): Aim for a variety of colors on your plate to make sure you’re getting a range of nutrients. Think leafy greens, bell peppers, carrots, and broccoli. Salads are also a great choice, just be sure to keep additions, like crouton and heavy dressings, to a minimum.
  3. Choose a source of carbohydrates: We recommend complex carbs like brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, or whole-grain bread. These will provide you with enough energy to fuel your day and they’re a great source of fiber.
  4. Optional: Include fats as part of your 2-item snack times. Unsaturated is best, such as olive oil or nuts, but dairy is permitted as well. Fats are a small but important part of a complete diet.


Korean Beef Rice Bowl

An Example of a 3x3x3 Day

Here’s an example of what your day might look like on the 3x3x3 Meal Plan:

Breakfast: Eggs and toast with sliced apples on the side.

Snack: Celery and peanut butter.

Lunch: A Buddha Bowl with chicken, veggies, and rice.

Snack: Peaches and cottage cheese

Dinner: Salmon, quinoa and a nice side salad.

This isn’t the standard order of meal and snack times. For those of you who prefer an after-dinner snack, feel free to enjoy your second snack as an evening food. The main focus is to eat small meals multiple times throughout the day rather than large meals three times a day.


beef and noodles on plate

Other Benefits of the 3x3x3 Meal Plan

The 3x3x3 Meal Plan offers a whole lot more than just nutritional benefits.

It’s Makes Time Management Easy: By limiting your options just slightly, it takes a lot of the guesswork out of what to eat and when to eat, and also allows you to easily plan your meals in advance. It’s a great way to save yourself a ton of time throughout the week. 

It Reduces Stress: This is one of the best meal plans for those who suffer from decision fatigue or have trouble figuring out what to eat everyday. It approaches food from a much simpler place, and offers you a healthy way to nourish yourself without the complication of counting calories or getting super restrictive, no matter if you’re looking to achieve weight loss or just improve your health.

It Makes Budgeting Easier: By having a clear idea of each meal’s components, you’ll know exactly what you need to get from grocery stores, and you’ll be less likely to get caught in an in-the-moment “should I get this?” scenario. 

It’s a Safe Place: In the confusing world of dietary advice, the 3x3x3 Meal Plan is a safe and easy plan to stick to. These days, it’s way too easy to feel overwhelmed with the plethora of fad diets and their conflicting information. This plan strips away the noise and focuses on what’s of the utmost importance: nutrients, balance and variety.


chicken skewers on plate

Challenges and Considerations

Every meal plan comes with its challenges. The 3x3x3 might require some adjustments, especially for those who are on specific dietary restrictions for medical reasons. Be sure to speak to your healthcare provider before starting any sort of meal plan or diet to ensure it’s best for your personal health. 

Starting any meal plan for the first time can also be challenging. Just remember that it isn’t about perfection, but about making consistent, positive change. And because of 3x3x3’s simplicity, it’s a great place to start.

Practical Tips for Success

  1. Meal Prep: Be sure to set some time aside every week to meal prep. This could be as simple as chopping veggies or marinating some proteins so they’re ready to go when you need them. For some fun together-time, invite the whole family to this ritual and create weekly group assignments! 
  2. Portion Control: To help visualize the 3x3x3 concept, grab a divided plate meant for this exact practice. This will help to prevent overeating and ensure you’re getting the right balance of nutrients.
  3. Stay Flexible: Life happens, and that means sometimes you’ll have to eat and run. Plan ahead for these times, and keep a list of quick and easy meal ideas that fit the 3x3x3 framework on your fridge.
  4. Eat Mindfully: Stop and take time to enjoy your meals. Eating mindfully means being in the moment with your meal, and it can help make the experience more satisfying and less about just “fueling up”.


Broccoli beef noodles in a pan

Ready to Make the Change?

We know learning about diets and eating systems, and parsing through all the various evidence of health sciences, is about as complicated and time-consuming as trying to solve a Rubik’s cube. We hope we’ve shed some light on what the 3x3x3 Meal Plan is and why it stands out from the rest. Hopefully, now, it’s a little bit easier for you to navigate choices when it comes to your health. 

Do you already follow the 3x3x3 Meal Plan? If so, we’d love to hear from you in the comments. Let us know what you love and/or hate about it.

Do you follow a different meal plan? Sound off in the comment section about it and why you think it works (or doesn’t work!).  

Are you curious about certain meal plans, and want us to do a deep dive into what they are and how they work? Let us know which ones you’re curious about, and we just might cover them in future posts. 

As always, we here at Steamy Kitchen wish the best for you. Maybe your food always be good and your health always be great. Be kind to yourself and others, and be sure to spread the love.




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  1. This is a meal plan I can stick with! Thanks for sharing!

  2. great meal plan

  3. Would definitely use this prize on groceries. Thx for chance!

  4. OK! Ya!

  5. An interesting meal plan.
    Sounds pretty basic, which I like.


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