$100 Visa Gift Card Giveaway – NEW GIVEAWAY FORMAT!
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We have some exciting news for you!
Steamy Kitchen has been listening and working hard to improve your giveaway experience here on our site!
We are excited to announce that we will be launching and trying out a new giveaway experience for you. This giveaway is our FIRST giveaway with this NEW format and we want to try it, get your feedback with it and have fun with it!
Please note we are TESTING this format and want to get your feedback if it is working and a fun experience for you!
Reasons why we love this new giveaway format and we think you will too:
- Accumulate points
- Login to your account to accumulate daily actions
- Complete social actions to learn more about Steamy Kitchen
We are giving away $100 Visa Gift Card to test out this new giveaway!
Things to know about our NEW giveaway format:
1. Enter your name and email address
2. The giveaway will take you to the thank you page where you will see a series of actions.
3. Complete the SOCIAL ACTIONS to receive POINTS! The way this will work is the more points you have – the higher your chance of winning!
4. Make sure to complete the FEEDBACK ACTION – to let us know how you like this format!
5. Giveaways will run for three months like our current giveaways
6. When you REVISIT the giveaway after INITIAL entry – you will be asked to LOGIN! Use your email to login to complete daily actions
PLEASE NOTE: We are hearing all of your feedback! Giveaway Daily Actions Restart 24 Hours of Completing Action!
$100 Visa Gift Card Giveaway – NEW GIVEAWAY FORMAT!
Enter the giveaway below!
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for more information.
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I HATE this new format, go back to the old!! Plus, all of these take way too long to load, because you have to wait for tons of ads to load and then wade through them to get to the sweepstakes. Most people don’t have high speed computers, and it is VERY annoying!!
Hello Susan. We are not using this format , however we need to let this giveaway run its full course – thanks for your patience! – SK Team
This takes way too long to load!! Not impressed.
I DISLIKE the new 24 hour giveaways. Disappointedly I miss out on entries with each 24 hour giveaway due to my computer time constraints/limitation on use; then, each new day my unhappiness returns when again I am unable to enter exactly 24 hours after my last entry, thus feeling helpless to compete with others for wonderful prizes, which has led to frustration and dislike for the 24 hour giveaways. The regular giveaways daily entry period empowers me to believe that I am an equal to others and able to compete for the prizes shown, resulting in my wanting to enter those giveaways each day since those giveaways allow a flexible time span for entry on a daily basis. (However, both types of forms are fine, it’s the time structure of the new 24 hour giveaways that I dislike.)
Good Prioze for me
Please do not have these kind of entries again.
I got kicked out and had to login again.
I also like the daily entry; once per day.
Takes way too long for each part to load
Best of the Prizes
Don’t like the new format.
Best One. Need Now
Need The 100.00 Prize
Best Prise of all
Not a fan of the new format
The form won’t go through. It says the Last Name field is empty. I’ve typed in my last name two separate times and it still won’t go through.
Real Best Prize
I really do not like the 24-hour format. Daily is much better. In general, way too many clicks to enter no matter which format.
Best Prize
Visa giveaway is also freezing. That requires exiting out of the website and signing back in.
I think something is wrong with this beta version you are testing. Tried twice to fill out form, but got error message both times.
Also, I prefer the old entry method… much easier to navigate and understand. Plus, if you start inundating us with all of these hoops to jump through to earn extra points, I’m probably not going to be participating. I agree with many of the other comments below. I like simple! Once last comment: thanks so much for sponsoring all of these sweeps. Haven’t won anything and don’t really expect to, but love checking out all of your recipes, products, etc.: good fun!
Want $100.00
When I keep trying to fill out the form it keeps telling me my last name wasn’t entered and it was. Sorry but not working for me.
The new format for the $100 Visa card Giveaway, changed the order in which you required First Name, Last Name, and e-mail address; and now after filling in all the information keeps giving the message that “Last Name is Required”; and will not accept the entry. I have tried doing this multiple times and all with the same result.
This page is not working properly. Blocks part of entry form. (Visa Giveaway}
Not a fan of this format. Says last name field is blank when it’s not.
I like your new format, it is less confusing.
Didn’t work at all.
New format no good. Half the time, daly bonuses are not highlighted , so I don’t get credit that day.
Gams are supposed to be Calming, not aggravating
I cannot enter. It tells me the last name field cannot be blank. I have entered my last name several times. The form keeps telling me the field is blank.
I much prefer entries that run daily rather than 24 hrs.
I followed the prompts and correctly entered my first name, email address, and last name. However, I keep encountering an error message telling me that my last name is blank. Three times I tried to enter my information. There is something wrong with this form.
“Giveaway Daily Actions Restart 24 Hours of Completing Action!” is absolutely terrible. It should reset at midnight. I do not come to enter your sweepstakes exactly 24 hours later. I think a lot of people are losing out on so many entries every single day because of that policy.
Your comment said that you were listening to the feedback. I very highly doubt that people want it reset after 24 hours. Maybe you should take a poll of people that come to your site. That would benefit nobody. Can you please respond to my comment and explain.
Hey Tamara – this was our biggest complaint with this contest host. We will not be using this format going forward but we need to let this contest run the full time. So please bare with us and know your comments have been heard thanks. – Steamy Kitchen Team
Your new Visa contest is lousy, my last name is there as requied and it won’t proceed, go back to the old way.
Please do not use this format again. It’s actually annoying entering this way.
We will not be using this format moving forward – however we do need to let it run for the full contest time – thanks – Steamy Kitchen Team
I am one of the many who lose entries because this visa card is reset after 24 hours instead of 12:am like most of the other contests. When I have time to do my daily entries I would like all of them to be available and often do not have time to go back to the site for the 24 hour entries
Error message telling me I did not enter my last name
tells me No last name I have enter my last name over and over again
go back to the old way, you had a perfect sweeps format why change
Entry form does not appear.
The new format will not let me enter. I put in my info, and it comes up with a page that says “Please fill in all fields – Last Name is empty! !” I did fill in the last name. I even tried it a couple times. Can you please enter me in the contest? You already have the name/email address. I would like very much to enter each day.
Thank you for your help, and for hosting this contest. 🙂
I am unable to enter this, after I enter my info it keeps asking me to enter the last name (although the form only asks for my first name, yet I include both). Please go back to the original format, this is not user friendly.
If you want to keep me supporting Seamy Kitchen you will dump this new format
First it was go to your main site then enter fro 2 points
NOW its a stupid….YES stupid pop up
Didnt get the 100 for refer
Most of the time I have to start from the beginning link to enter
Im going to go to the contest entry company source website
This sucks major
Thanks for your feedback and testing out our BETA version of this format.
Hi there! I am testing the new format for the Visa card. It tells me that I have not filled in all of my fields (it says that I left my last name empty) – which I did not. That might need to be fixed.
Thanks for doing these draws!
Keeps saying Last name was not entered, but I did.
Sorry, not a fan of this new format.
Keeps saying Last name was not entered but it was.
Same here Rachel. Very frustrating.
Unfortunately if ONLY for those who support you.
If this is a way you give kudos for that …. it show you have no regard for “people” You just love money
I also am unable to enter this contest. It goes to a blank screen with the following: Please fill in all fields – Last Name is empty! !
I always enter my last name, but get this error message every time.
don’tlike the new foremat
Not a of the new format for your contests. I don’t do my contesting at the same time everyday therefore the 24hr reset means I can’t enter every day.
I have tries a few times to enter the $100.00 visa card entry. It keeps telling me that my last name is not entered, but it was. Then the screen goes blank so I cannot continue
Why do you have to wait 24 hrs to enter again? It will come to the point where you’ll have days where you’ll lose entries because you have to wait the 24 hrs
Hey Martin! We have brought this concern to our contest host about this and it is just the way have their contests set up unfortunately!
I hope this doesn’t sound snarky, but I think you need a new contest host. The entry process here is among the poorest I’ve ever seen and makes me less interested in looking at the rest of your site any more. The pages are simply too “busy” with ads, the entry forms sometimes require a good bit of scrolling to get to them (I’m thinking of you, Mr. Steak), the spinner is erratic — sometimes I get two spins, sometimes one, sometimes none. Simpler is better.
I do not like this new format at all. Not everyone enters exactly 24 hours later. Sometimes I have time in the morning and sometimes afternoon, sometimes evening. So this format is stopping me from entering on some days. Gleam is a very user friendly contest format, can you check it out. Or stick to what you already have. Please do not change to this new format. Thanks
Hello Ellen! Thank you for your feedback on this beta test. We will be taking it to heart!
The areas to enter the points does not work I have tried several times how frustrating!
Apparently the new format is based on a 24-hour cycle, rather than a daily basis. I really don’t like it, because you can’t actually enter daily, but only after a 24-hour period. Please change it to a DAILY entry…
Hey Nancy! We totally hear you and agree! We are taking this feedback to heart and have brought this issue up with the tech team. Unfortunately that is how their contests are set up for this format! Thank you for your feedback in this BETA test!
“Once a day” entries should not be compromised by insane software parameters. Who ever invented the strict 24 hour method should have their head(s) examined. The answer is to get a new HOST if the present one is unable to meet your parameters. “Just the way they have their contests set up” should not be an acceptable response from them. Basically what they are telling you is that they don’t care to bother making the software changes that the overwhelming majority of participants are asking for. The benefit for the host is that making the change will enhance the experience for all the other clients that they are hosting as well as yours, obviously, a WIN-WIN for everyone.
Hey Jack. Great feedback! We have been in contact with the contest host about the 24 hour entry and are following up with them! Thank you
You’re welcome. Good luck in getting the issue resolved.
It’s time to fire your contest host. Everybody hates the format and quite honestly it makes us disappointed in you yoruself. You say you are hearing us but you are not taking action.
If the object of this new format is to prevent subscribers from entering…. it has succeeded spectacularly!
There are few people today who have the leisure to adhere to this rigid, unfriendly set up. The user friendly format of the majority of the sweepstakes you offer is preferred…. hands down! I would bet the bulk of entrants, do so on the fly. When I find a few minutes free, I like to jump online and relax by entering your sweepstakes. That is simply impossible with this new format. This format is just frustrating and downright maddening. It’s not the “point accumulating” that’s a bummer, it’s that infernal clock set-up!
I sincerely hope you will find it possible to set the “Enter Now Clock” for anytime between 12:01 AM and Midnight of the same day, like all your sweeps were until recently. That’s what is user friendly and encouraging, My personal preference for the type of sweepstakes I enter is to win actual merchandise rather than $$ cards. The “Cash Value” is most often much greater (say for a KitchenAid Mixer or a great set of knives) and the daydreams they foster are simply put, great fun.
All that aside, I enjoy your recipes enormously. I have not yet had a failure and I always end up looking good. There is great talent in developing really good recipes that are nearly impossible to ruin. I would guess that is one of the reasons you are so wildly popular. Wishing you continued success which I benefit from regularly! It’s reassuring to have a place to go when I need a recipe quickly, or I want to cook-up a sure-fire winner for dinner. Thank you Jaden
Hey Marilynn! Thank you so much for your feedback on our beta testing of this format. We agree completely on the frustration of the 24 hour clock reset! We have taken your feedback to heart in making your giveaway experience awesome and fun!
It erases my information when I hit the enter key
I have tried entering 3 times and every time it says “Please fill in all fields – Last Name is empty! !”
Wish this reset at 12 PT like the other giveaways
This does not even work. It keeps saying I have not entered my last name .
The 2 New Giveaway Formats has a glitch. You are not able to enter the daily bonus draw.
I appreciate the giveaway, but sometime, simpler is better. Very many contests are set up this way, but it is too time consuming to enter every day.
It doesn’t work. It keeps saying the last name isn’t filled out even though it is. I can’t enter.
vyper.io does not work it just goes around in circles- how frustrating!
i dont like this format. cant enter. horrible. please stick with old format..
this is what i get when i try to enter:
Please fill in all fields – Last Name is empty! !
Hate new format hate 23 hour format
It does not let me always enter. I really do not like this new format. It takes a lot longer and every time you complete an action the page has to refresh along with all the popups, ads, and videos. Someone commented that you have to wait exactly 24 hours since the last time you entered to enter again. That is Awful, confusing and discouraging participation. I want to stress that this FRIENDLY FEEDBACK and though it is negative; it is not mean, but rather I hope that it will help improve SK.
Do not like the new one!
Don’t understand why all these changes in formats. Seems to me like you are trying to fix something that was never broke.
go back to the old system
Not really liking the new formats. Thanks for trying something new though.
both these new formats take a lot more time, which is very valuable. i love your giveaways.
could not find a place to my name and email
NOT ” working ” AGAIN at 10:08 EDT on 8/8/2020. Unable to click on ANYTHING to get points.
This $100 Visa Card Spin Game goes directly to the Macy’s giveaway spin.
This happens every time I access the New Format $100 Visa Card Giveawy!
Strange indeed!
I’m giving up on this contest. The 24 hour system just doesn’t work for me and the daily entries, if you can get there in a timely fashion, are so woefully slow to load. That spinning circle gives me a headache. Usually the Rafflecopter type contests are fast but this platform is klutzy. Jaden, so many of us are unhappy. Why don’t you end this contest early?
The 24-hour format is very irritating and makes me less interested in entering the contest. Why not have the same rule used for the other contests. I don’t see any value added in this new format.
I cannot enter at all. I get a message that says, “This content can’t be shown in a frame.”
HI Jaden, I seem to be able to enter this contest every two days, then the third day the buttons are greyed out. I have tried using different browsers, shutting down and restarting the laptop, and clearing cache, cookies, and browsing history, but nothing seems to work. Is it necessary to do all these things, or if I can’t do the entries should I give up for the day? Do you know how long it will take before the contest works?
Nope. Too confusing. Do you enter each day AND log in? Not a good format. Please don’t use this! It would also be helpful if you indicated on all the giveaways if it had already been entered for that day. I have to come back sometimes and can’t remember where I left off. Isn’t there supposed to be a total entry notice? I can’t find it. Thanks for listening to the comments.
Good Morning: It is nice to see that you are keeping things new and interesting. I do not however like the NEW FORMAT. Do not keep track of when I visited the page and feel that if it is one per day it shouldn’t matter what time of day. Also – it really is too time consuming and becomes a chore – not fun.
not working!
PLEASE remove the 24 hr format. This should reset the same as the other giveaways you have. Thanks
I agree with other comments about the 24 hour wait. I also get to my computer at different times each day so a calendar day is much more user friendly rather than a 24 hour clock day
You either have to wait exactly 24 hrs or it doesn’t let you play every day. Kind of inconvenient.
Not a fan of this new format… I much preferred the old style over even the current method of entry. Been debating just dropping steamykitchen from my daily entries anyway – just too complicated and time consuming.
I sure hope they don’t make them all a hard 24. Who in the world can schedule that everyday. Life even under lock down would get in the way. I’ve been entering for 3 years now. This could be the end 🙁
I’m not fond of the new giveaway format. I don’t like that you need to wait 24 hours to re-enter. I think you should be able to enter any time during the day.
Wasnt able to add any points today. I entered but once I clicked on points available to earn it just froze. Will try again. Thx!
Today , 8/2/2020 at 8:37 EDT, I was unable to access ANY of the ways to get ” points ” and there was NO way to get out of the screen except to ” go back ” to the previous screen/page.
This new format isn’t bad but you should not have to wait 24 hours to enter again. I play different times each day and to not know exactly when I entered the previous day is hard
I noticed you can only enter once 24 hours have elapsed, it doesn’t “reset” based on the beginning of the new day (or at the time all the others do). So unless you have a 24 hour gap between entries, you (I ) end up only being able to enter every other day. Most people are probably creatures of habit and attempt to enter around the same time each day. It would be great if this could reset at the same time the rest of the giveaways do. Thanks for all the opportunities to win! I’ve been entering for years and haven’t won yet, but I’ll keep trying.
I don’t think I had points added yesterday and I had the same number today as yesterday so I didn’t get any today, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong…..Thanks for any help !!
It’s Saturday. The Beta version is the Broken Beta Version. The Daily Entries are not working… Dead Links
When is the Expiration Date of this giveaway?
I agree that it should start over at Midnight.
After I fill in my information I’m directed to a blank page.
I prefer the old formula, because the new one takes too much time and time is precious to me. Thank you
I agree with you on both counts.
On the second entry I login with name and email. The page comes up where I entered yesterday. Now I cannot enter any more to gain more entries. Whats wrong
The same thing happened to me Richard, TWICE now.
I find this new way confusing; I prefer the current way (I like that you can easily view your entries in the current system). I don’t even know if I entered, and how to check!! Thanks for asking our opinions.
I’ve only been able to enter daily twice since this gaw began. the day it began and one other day. every day since, whenI log in, it doesnt give any options to earn daily points, no options are clickable.
The $100 visa gift card giveaway should reset entries at 2400 hrs, similar time frame as your other giveaways. Currently, it is hard to keep track when I last entered and when I next can enter.
If you do have this set to an actual 24-hour day, can you change it to a 12:01 am to 12 Midnight daily day? I personally woudn’t care if it was Eastern, Pacific, Europe, whatever…
Sorry, the new format was not working for me, there was no place for me to enter,enjoy the rest of your day!!
New format ……. UGH #2 , If you want to have a Sweepstakes giveaway stick to the old , if you want to create a point collecting swimming pool , go with the new , but I will probably opt out .Takes too much precious time .
Not working today, after signing in there was no daily box to go to.
Agree with June. It’s not resetting at 2am, it’s acting like what I call a “strict” 24 hour limit, so if you enter at 10:02:20am you have to wait until 10:02:20am again to enter.
Form does not load often, and sometimes even when it does, willl not submit
Daily entries are not working
visa giveaway not allowing to earn the extra points
I am not able to earn points today on the $100 Visa gift card giveaway. Do you know why not? I hope I am able to use it later today.
We only have one computer. If my husband enters this new format giveaway first, like today, I cannot enter: The daily entry icons are grayed out. Likewise, my husband says, If I enter first he cannot.
Otherwise this new format is too clumsy and involved to enter, especially if you were to introduce more giveaways in this new format. Please use previous methods, I beg you. There was actually nothing wrong with the even older, tried-and-true method.
I hope Jaden is listening to us. This new format is cumbersome. In the meantime, you’ll be able to enter if you use a different browser than your husband and if it’s 24 hours after your previous entry.
This is working now, had no problem yesterday or today. Could you please tell me if you need a social media account-Facebook to win your contests.
Hello Rosemarie , you do not need facebook to win any of our contests!
This is the only one I cannot enter for some reason. Anyone else having problems with this one VISA contest?
Again today 7/29/2020, I am unable to complete ANY tasks and earn ” points “. I tried to ” login ” and also ” sign in “, but neither let me earn ” points ” via Amazon, FaceBook, or any of the other option. This is the same issue I had 2 days ago. Yesterday everything work fine. Is there some kind of ” 24 hour timer ” on this sweeps where you have to wait exactly 24 hours from the last time you ” entered “, in order to enter again ?
Your new visa giveaway isn’t working right
For sure I don’t like this format. Yesterday the Amazon click didn’t work. Today there are no daily boxes to enter. If this is 24 hours than we need to be told. I think I’ll stop this giveaway. Everyone is getting the same amount of points and you have to jump through hoops to get a box to work.
I really not a fan of the new giveaway format. I takes a lot longer to enter and really you don’t get a advantage of points over the others because everyone is getting more points also . So no more chances of winning.
This doesn’t work for me. I preferred the previous entry form. Thank you
Visit our Amazon page +50 comes up with “Sorry that Page Not Found”
This worked yesterday, (first time) and now I can’t do the daily entry? Is this one/24hr?
Going to the next page it wouldn’t let me do the two daily items. Also there’s no indication of how long this giveaway is going – no end date in rules or here on the main entry page.
It won’t let me enter today. Says 504 gateway time out. The area where I put in my name and email hasn’t shown up at all. I will keep trying. Thanks for the awesome giveaways and recipes!!!
Site not loading unable to enter today
I’ll give the Visa Sweep a go but so far it’s not working.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Up until the above date I had no problem what so ever to enter & complete my entry for this giveaway. Now, for some reason, I can’t do a thing & I’ve tried several times to enter & complete. I hope Jaden you take note & try to correct this problem. I DON’T WANT TO LOSE ENTRIES FOR THIS $100 VISA GIVEAWAY!! It’s just not worth to continue entering if I can’t get credit for what I lost.
Well today it did have were I could enter today for the 30 daily points after taking forever to load the entry page, but after going to main page it did not add the points in to total and this page will not finish loading.
I prefer the original format, which is easier and faster to enter contests.
Do not care for this format, prefer your regular ones
Too complicated, new format often doesn’t work (e.g. go to main giveaway page opens it but no points added).
I don’t like having to sign in to play.
I tried using “Google Chrome” browser. Won’t open. I tried Internet Explorer browser…. “this page won’t open”. bummer.
It’s too time consuming waiting and looking for form that never appears. Your site was always better for giveaways and information because fewer annoying ads and didn’t have to jump thru hoops to enter sweeps that most likely wouldn’t win, but still fun to try. The ads full the page loading, I don’t get it??
Daily tasks are blocked. Do they come up at a certain time? This happened before. Thanks!
Bev A – I enjoy your giveaways and reviews of products. I don’t really care about collecting points and I choose not to have social media accounts so this new format is tedious to me.
I can’t find where to log in on the new giveaway format.
I also could not find an entry form. Further, I am sorry to hear that you’re planning to make contest entrants jump through hoops. I have always enjoyed the simplicity of your giveaways. It now looks as though I will no longer be able to enter any of you contests.
Can’t get the entry for the new format for the VISA prize. Anyone else having this problem? Nothing shows up for entry to be made into !
I like the new set up.
I don’t mind the new set up. I kinda like it 🙂
This contest will not load for me to put in my information. It did but then it wouldn’t “enter”. Go back to “old” way!
Could not get from to load came back 4 times
not working this morning
The giveaway isn’t loading at all for me today.
I could enter the first time, but have been unable to enter again
The new giveaway format does not load the name/address section today, although it did yesterday and the day before.
entry form doesn’t load . not working Can’t get any of the new format to open in safari either
Unlike your other contests, this one seems to work in a 24-hour system, which makes timing difficult for us. You try to enter, say, at 7am but if you entered yesterday at 8am, we can’t play for our daily entries. Most people dislike this type of system because it doesn’t honor our individual schedules.
visa giveaway is not loading and cannot enter any info or do the extra tasks to get points.
Where do I look to see how many points I have accumulated?
Once you log in you should see your points accumulated under your name!
This Vyper one is not allowing the daily entries anymore, even if you clear your cookies. I was able to enter the first day, and then yesterday got the daily entry, but now even after another 24 hours it is just locked up. I see the problems I am having are different from others on here, I am also using Chrome though on a laptop.
Steamykitchen.com is the *only* website where I bother entering prizes that are worth less than about $2,000, because It’s the only website at which I can enter contests with basically one click. All of the other websites look more or less like this new format, by which I mean they are labor intensive. So, if you go to this format for all sweeps, but keep the same level of prizes you have now, I probably would not come back.
I preferred how it was before. It seemed more clear than this. This is simple, but I liked the other forms better.
Hi Your new format for the $100 Visa gift card is not giving me the 30 daily points, no way to go to the main giveaway page. Same amount of points as yesterday. Also is the only way to win to have a social media account-Facebook? I really hope not because I don’t have or want one and no where in rules says you need one.
Is this a single entry or daily entry sweeps?
you can enter our giveaways daily
Yes but please instruct your new prize vendor to NOT set this so we have to wait a full 24 hours to enter. The form should refresh at midnight. I have entered contests with this type of format in the past and they always refreshed in the morning.
i just logged in the day after i signed up. all the daily choices on the left are dark and not accessible to me. thanks.
I don’t like the new form. It requires a lot more mouse clicks. Don’t like that I have to “log in” to something and accept terms and conditions every time I enter. I hope you won’t use it.
It worked ok for me the first day but isn’t on the second day. Also I think it is too many steps to go through. More entries is nice but I think it is too many.
It worked for me yesterday, but today none of the daily entries work, they are just greyed out.
I think if you had the end date listed it would be helpful.
Where is the end date?? Just saying ends in 90 days does no good it you don’t know the beginning date.
I don’t see any way to enter the new format $100 Visa giveaway. All the others work.
I can’t tell if my entry for the visa card giveaway went thru or not the pages was jumbled and couldn’t really tell what to do
I am having the same problem as some of the others. I am not good with this type of entry. The faster one can enter the better.
I do not enjoy this new format at all… you need to be a facebook user to earn the full number of entries… PLUS, it is now impossible for all adults in the household to enter your contests from the same computer, as it regards you as the previous user no matter how many times you go in.
The giveaway form worked perfectly. The giveaway end date is not listed in the terms and conditions (rules). Got spoiled in the other format where the end date was always listed at the bottom of the form.
What are the terms and conditions you’re asking me to agree to?
I could not get this new form to load past the name, couldn’t enter the rest of my info.
In your new format only name fill in shows; others (email) are hidden by ads
I cannot get this to work.
I can see the advantages to this type of giveaway, but it pretty much excludes those of us who choose not to have accounts on multiple social media formats. I think it’s fine to have some giveaways this way, but I hope not all of them will be like this in the future. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to put in my two cents worth.
I totally agree Phyllis !
I agree
I agree! I’m not going to get a Twitter for the sake of sweepstaking. I feel like that’s just annoying.
cannot see past first and last name.
New format isn’t working. Not able to enter.
Your new format does not work properly.
When prompted to enter the contest, the space to enter my name is visible and nothing else. There is no button to enter and any other field is not visible.
I use Chrome as my browser.
Hi Jaden,
It only let me put my name in, not my email address.
So, how are you? Sorry I haven’t written in a while but I am getting ready for surgery on Friday. Wish me luck.
new format does not work on my laptop w/ chrome browser, will try a different browser