Moments that matter

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Where was David Lebovitz when we took this photo? He’s nowhere to be found!

By now, you’re all probably sick of hearing about our fantab time at the Club Med Food Blogger Camp. That’s what I get for waiting until this long to post about it! The good thing is that I can be lazy and just link to everyone else’s post and say, “See? That’s what we did!”

But before you roll your eyes and think that you cannot stand reading another post of us bragging about the sun, sand, surf and hot trapeze instructors, I want you to take a little peek at a video that White On Rice Couple have created.

During first 4 days of “camp”, while the rest of us were lounging, gorging and enjoying various alcoholic bevs, Diane and Todd were very busy working. But you couldn’t really tell that they were working. I call it stealth photography. Each of them would lug a beach bag the size of a microwave oven, bulging at the seams, being filled with “stuff” that I thought was beach gear. But nope. Two digital SLRs, a lens as long as an elephant’s trunk, camcorder, tripod, monopod and 2 laptops.

They were able to catch every single moment that mattered.

A big thanks to Club Med for having us; David for being my co-host for the Food Blogger Camp and Matt for pitching in to help; Elise for her sunny friendship; Michael and Donna Ruhlman for their wisdom; Dianne for sensualizing corn pops; Adam for letting my kids tattoo the only available spot left on his body and Diane/Todd for creating a video that we’ll watch over and over again.

Yo! My sistah! Don’t mess with her – Diane kick ass!

This is what happens when two goofballs try to tickle each other simultaneously during a photoshoot. We know each other too well!

What pigs we are! I think I ate more than Ruhlman.

I loved hanging out with friends, Diana, Stephanie, Garrett, Fran, Perre, Stephanie M, Diane, Casey, Lori, Brian, Claire, Cecilie, Jane, Richard, Gary, Brooke, Nancy, Brook, Justin, Lauren, Sarah, Sonnda, Owen, Steve Anna, and Ronn.

And here’s to my hero, my husband for teaching the boys the thrill of the boogie board and how to make architecturally sound sand castles.

Will we have Food Blogger Camp #3? You betcha! David and I are already working on it! Next time we’ll open the camp to more participants and choose another Club Med location…batting around ideas….Thailand? Brazil? Dominican Republic?….hmmmm….

And more…

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  1. I relish, result in I found exactly what I used to be having a look for. You’ve ended my four day lengthy hunt! God Bless you man. Have a nice day. Bye

  2. Jaden, I’m even later than Nancy! I just want to say: you are a joy to be around, and a joy to work with. Thanks for the link love and thanks again for allowing me to join your merry band.

  3. Jaden, sorry to be so late to comment. You put on a masterly event. Your organizational skills are only matched by your silliness and clever writing. Oh, and don’t forget the cute kids. I’m voting for Thailand with a side trip to Japan. Nancy

  4. I’m so there next year. At least I really really hope I’m so there. Looks like it was an absolute blast…and that trapeze instructor certainly is hot. I think one of my favorite photos, though, is the one of your boys on the White on Rice Couple post. The one of them holding hands on the beach. It is so sweet that it makes me almost cry. A definite keeper!

  5. Miss you Jaden & all of the others too! What a fabulous time was had by all, and I have to tell you that I learned so much from everyone too! I’m in for next year for sure. Where are we goin’??

  6. I saw the video yesterday and it looks like you had a blast! I refuse to miss next year’s. Hear that? REFUSE. Oh, an you zumba-ing was pretty much one of the highlights of the video.

  7. So glad there will be another one! I was attending a family wedding the week this one was scheduled. Hope to be there next time!

  8. Awesome video!!! I vote somewhere in Asia next year!!! 😉

  9. I will always have memories that started out “like … you know … that one time at Food Blogger Camp …..”. I think my brain is exhausted from the ideas that this trip has inspired. It was wonderful to meet everyone, and learn from everyone. You can easily have a eurika moment every few minutes. Thanks again for putting this together. I love the video!

  10. Cooooool video! :o)

    I want some of the donuts from the market! Yum.

  11. Hi Jaden! I opened my Parents magazine and saw your recipes! How wonderful! I can’t wait to make your 3 peas. Sounds Yummy!

    I love the pic of the boys with the firece tats on their tummies…uber cute!

  12. Woooopie! David finally made it to the final day’s photo shoot! I had such an incredible time and loved every moment–from the classes, to the downtime, to the buffet, and the drinks at the bar–had at the Food Blog Camp. I can’t wait for the next one. I’ll so be there.

  13. Would love to know more about the next one… (is it too soon to ask???) is there some list or something I can get signed up on?? What an amazing concept… I feel foolish I have never heard of this before!
    working out the plan for next year! we’ll announce soooooon! ~j

  14. Love the video. Such a pity we couldn’t make it but I’ll definitely have to put it on my calender for next year. Great friends, great food, great fun. Nothing better.

  15. i’m STILL trying to make architecturally sound castles, with little success. i’d love some pointers from your boys!

  16. Sick of hearing about the trip? Never. Jealous? Maybe. Okay, definitely. 😉

    I love Mexico.

  17. Great to see your post Jaden! Can you put my head in a balloon too? :0) I missed the group photo as well!

    Thanks for all your hard work putting this together, as everyone has been saying it was an unforgettable experience and I appreciate you making it all happen. Can’t wait to see what you come up with for next year!

  18. I’m not sure I can get enough of the reminders of what ranks among the best vacations of my life. Keep ’em coming! I’ll be dreaming of next year looking forward to a great Food Blogger Camp 2011!

  19. Wish I could have seen this video last week while us Floridians were freezing our “arses” off!! Looked like everyone had a blast. The locale looks amazing.

  20. The only thing that has made it tolerable to listen to all the talk about sun and food is knowing that we head for the Caribbean in two weeks. Seriously, it sounds like a blast. I should have come along!

  21. …and how come I don’t get to kiss Matt??

  22. OK, mission accomplished. You’ve made me regret not attending….bravo to you all with special mention to Jaden and her “gwei-lo” style of dancing! 😉

  23. I wish I was there too! 🙁 I need to make a wish now! Hopes he can hear me now! 🙂

  24. I was in Ruhlman’s room, putting itching powder in his swimtrunks.

  25. I was with you in spirit the whole time–what a blast! NEXT YEAR!

  26. I loved this trip so much. Thank you to you and David for all of your hard work planning, and to the other session speakers for sharing their wealth of knowledge!

    For next time, I vote for Thailand! Or South America, since I’ve never been there. Either would be perfect!

  27. Thank you for sharing Jaden! Diane and Todd made a beautiful video! : ) You guys are SO fortunate….I wish I could’ve gone..

  28. What a great video! It looks like everyone had such a great time. Definitely want to go to the next one. I love the thought of the Dominican Republic or Brazil, and I have also been thinking a lot about going to Costa Rica. Really any of those places would be wonderful.

  29. Awesome video Diane and Todd, though I would expect nothing less from you two! Jaden is the perfect “video host” too. 🙂
    I wish I could have been there with you all. Maybe next time if I can save my pennies…

  30. hahah!!! can we have David’s-head-on-a-stick too?
    Thanks for such a marvelous experience. Your commitment to sharing, inspiring and building this community is priceless.
    And oh, one can only imagine the dramatic footage to share if you really did fall in the pool!!


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