Fried Rice with Coca Cola Sauce

Yesterday, a reader typed in “Fried Rice with Coca Cola Sauce” in a search engine and landed on my website. (I can tell by the blog stats) Nope. I don’t have that recipe. But hey, it sounds SO interesting and strange that I think I’ll have to just play mad scientist. Has anyone ever heard of this or can come up with a recipe?!

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  1. We also went to a Shogun restaurant in Florida, asked the chef what made his rice so yummy, and he replied “coca cola”. Not diet either. Shogun holds the secret!

  2. Well I’m glad I’m not alone in my search!

    The other night I was at a Teppan grill / Sushi/ Japanese restaurant in La Verne, Ca called Shogun. and as I watched my fried rice being cooked before my eyes the hibachi chef said “and now we add the coca cola sauce”….

    I’m always trying to find ways to perfect my rice, but wow really!?!? and I didnt taste it — part of me thinks it was soy sauce mixture with cola??! hard to tell since both have brown coloring.

    But adventurous me is so willing to try… so yes I’m in search myself of the perfect coca cola fried rice recipe too!!! GREAT POSTING!!!

  3. When I was a kid, back in the mid 70’s, my Mom made fried rice and used coca cola. I was actually searching for the recipe when I found your site. Would love to have it because I want to see if it was as good as I think I remember it being or if I just liked it back then because it was different.

  4. I was in colombia when I first tasted this arroz con coco using coke. I think that this may be the recipe that you were looking for.

    3 (14-ounce) cans coconut milk
    1 tablespoon oil, as needed
    2 cups rice
    2 teaspoons salt
    4 cups Coca-Cola

    Place the coconut milk in a large, heavy-bottomed pot. Bring to an active boil and continue cooking about 15 minutes over medium-high heat. Run a wooden spoon periodically around the bottom to make sure it isn’t sticking. If so, turn down the heat a bit and keep checking. When the coconut milk is as thick as frosting and the bubbles burst like moon craters, reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking. The mixture will turn glassy and the bubbles will look like pinpricks. Stir in a teaspoon of oil, and then another if needed, to encourage the mixture to break. Stirring constantly, let the mixture break into oil and solids. Once the solid bits start to brown, take the pot off the heat and carefully transfer the contents to a heatproof container. If using the heavy-bottomed pot to cook the rice, wash and dry it. Add the remaining teaspoon oil to the pot along with the coconut mixture and rice and stir over medium heat for 2 minutes until rice glistens and is fragrant. Add the salt and Coca-Cola. Bring to a boil; cover pot with a heavy, tight lid. Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to low and cook another 10 minutes. Let rest 10 minutes before uncovering.

    Hopes this helps

  5. Yes. I did search for Fried Rice and Coke Cola, but after seeing the search results I have come to the conclusion that when I ate at Mikata’s last night and the guy told us he was pouring Coke Cola and Sugar into the rice, that he was actually just pouring Soy Sauce and Sugar. I think they are told to say that because different chefs at different Mikata’s always say the same thing. Good Luck with future recipes though.

    • My wife worked at mikatas for a short time she confirmed it was Coca Cola and soy sauce. 

  6. Mothy- oh you are my hero!! I can’t believe you actually have been experimenting. Now I’ll have to try it.

  7. Funny thing, I stumbled across this post doing just that sort of search. Fried Rice is probably my most frequent dish, just because it’s my “anything dish”. There’s always rice in the cooker, and when nothing in the frige seems to go together, any leftovers fried in rice becomes a new dish. Maybe it’s because I’m a bachelor college student recovering from my all-ramen diet phase.

    This particular occasion saw me going through a very empty refrigerator. There was more alcohol than food, thanks to a recent gathering, including the makings of bourbon and coke. My initial thought was some bourbon chicken in the rice, but that would require chicken, and so in an expermental mood, I grabbed the coke instead.

    The end result, using straight coke as a sauce, added an interesting, but bland flavor. Luckily, there was the bourbon to make it all better. I think if reduced down with some other ingredients, it has real promise, but a few further attempts at that have yet to produce anything edible.

    While that night has come and gone, I’m not one to take defeat lightly. The recipes that I’ve found online are mostly for barbeque sauces. They don’t do me much good. But, if you manage something, I would love to try it. I’ll likely be poisoning my room mate and guests with persistence until I get it right.


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