What you’ll learn:
- How to make a vegetarian version of this Asian Lettuce Cups Recipe
- How to properly “cook” the apples
- How long you should fry the mung bean noodles
Don’t you feel like this dish should just ::wink:: and do a little sexy twirl? Such a flirty little thing!
“Asian Lettuce Wraps” or “Asian Lettuce Cups” is the most requested recipe on my site. I’ve updated this Asian Lettuce Cups Recipe to be lighter, more refreshing and healthier. No goopy cornstarchy sauce! Sorry, P.F. Chang! You can make a vegetarian version – just substitute crumbed tofu, more vegetables or even plain rice for the ground turkey. Traditionally, the recipe includes canned water chestnuts, which honestly taste like crunchy styrofoam. Instead, I’ve used crisp diced green apples – which is much tastier.
The mung bean noodles look clear and transparent when dried and puff up in just a few seconds time when fried. They are NOT “rice noodles” – when in doubt, look at the ingredient list on the back. It should say “mung beans.”
Hey…who’s stealing my apples?

Asian Lettuce Cups Recipe
The Sauce:
- 1-1/2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
- 1 teaspoon soy sauce
- 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
- 1 teaspoon rice wine vinegar
- freshly ground black pepper
- 1 teaspoon Sriracha hot sauce
- 1 teaspoon finely minced garlic
- 1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
- 2 stalks scallions
- 1 pound ground turkey or chicken
- 2 cups mixed vegetables (frozen pea/carrots, finely diced bell peppers, etc.)
- 1/2 green apple, finely diced
- 1 head boston bibb lettuce, leaves washed and separated
- 2 skeins, Mung Bean Noodles
- 2 medium carrots, Use vegetable peeler to peel cut carrot into paper thin strips. Use knife to further cut into super duper thin strands. Or, use the handy kitchen gadget linked below.
Kitt’s comment below just reminded me of the great weekend we just had with my baby birds.
Fighting for “THE BITE.”
Andrew is taller, he has the advantage.
But Nathan has sharp teeth
And swoops in for the kill
Did I scold him? Hell no. Smart strategy I say!
More recipes to explore:
Grilled Shrimp Lettuce Cups with Tropical Fruit Salsa (Steamy Kitchen)
15 Minute Asian Light Meals (Steamy Kitchen)
Fried Noodles with Garlic Shrimp (Steamy Kitchen)
Asian Slaw with Ponzu Dressing (Steamy Kitchen)
Chicken Lettuce Cups (Epicurious)
Looks very delicious!
Love this recipe! Have made it a few times in past few weeks & as a chicken variation, so good!! Yummy! Love the pictures of your kids, it’s hilarious!!
A new twist on a dish that I just love. Must try this ASAP.
Pinning and Sharing on my Facebook Page 🙂
Yes sir! These look amazing. I can’t wait to try them.. nothing like little lettuce wraps with meat and the fixins. My husband and I are hooked on the texture of these! So awesome. Kudos. Great pictures too!
i just had to tell you that the flavor of this dish was soooooooo good… but unfortunately, i didn’t have a thermometer handy and totally burned the heck out of the noodles and caused a smoky mess!!! it was delicious nonetheless!!
I made your lettuce cups last night for my husband, a friend and me, and WOW, what a success! My friend and I had just been running, and was the perfect post-run dinner! SO satisfying! I put my husband on mung bean frying duty and he was thrilled with how cool that was.
I love rooster sauce, but I usually have the garlic and chili sauce around (the kind you spoon out) instead of the plain chili sauce in the squeeze bottle, so I used that instead. I’m probably making this dish again next week.
Okay your kids could not get any cute.
Also, my husband LOVES that rooster sauce.
My gosh golly gee – I thought he was only insane enough to use that.
When you say a squirt amount you do not lie.
That stuff will light up your life.
Ohh… *blush* The above is the link from my blog. Thanks so much for including gluten free modifications for your recipe- I modify recipes all the time but it’s nice to have that step taken out for me. I also LOVE the rooster sauce. I don’t actually eat meat, but I bet this would be tasty with tofu as well.
Have you tried fresh water chestnuts? I know the canned ones taste like something that have been sitting in grandma’s basement stewing for a few years, but fresh, peeled ones kick some major patootie. They’re darned tasty. Jicama is also a surprisingly good substitute, although apple also sounds yummy.
I discovered your blog recently and am really enjoying it- you actually had me giggling over my computer screen with recent posts, so you can bet I’ll be back. Thanks!
YUM! Just found your blog – so many tasty delights, I’ll be back!
Awww sweet photos!! Your little boys are adorable, I could have sworn they were twins too. 🙂 And I love the lettuce cups – turkey with green apple? Sounds like my kind of meal! 🙂
This came out great!
These totally beat my wraps, I’m trying your recipe!
Hey hot stuff, I’m TAGGING you! Post 8 random facts/habits about yourself and then tag 8 other bloggers to do the same by listing their names in your post and then leaving them a comment on their blog! Looking forward to learning more about you!
Terry- my eyes are watering just thinking about those potatoes!
Nora- I like water chestnuts + shrimp in dumplings too. And you are right – it stays crunchy. Too bad it doesn’t have much taste.
Chris- Thank you!
Coffee- Can you believe these two little guys already have girlfriends???
W&S- watch out….Nathan really does have sharp teeth
Lemongrass- yes! I will try that next time
Looks extremely yummy!! I think it will taste good with Thai Sweet Chili sauce too!
Yum! These snacks look both more-ish and healthy! Hehe – I think I would be fighting your kids for a bite of that as well 😉
jaden, your kids are gonna grow up to become two handsome men. 🙂
Yum! Your pictures are fabulous! I love the one with the hand…something about lil’ hands and feet..:)
Love the blow-by-blow action shots of your sons!
The colours and textures of this dish is perfect. I like the idea of substituting the water chestnuts with green apple. I don’t mind water chestnuts though in wantons because it retains it’s crunchiness.
Those indeed look flirty—and wonderful! The “rooster” hot sauce is our fave too. My wife makes what we call poison gas potatoes, squirting the hot sauce into the skillet of sauting potatoes at the end. It releases such a cloud of eye-stinging heat that it drives everyone but the unlucky cook from the kitchen. But, oh, they are so delicious!
Amy- yeah, canned waterchestnuts totally have no taste.
Nan- thanks for visiting!
Jyothi- welcome to our crazy crazy world
Jenn-I need a holster for that hot sauce so I can take it with me
Catalina: ha! i love that word…blurking! as the official word of the day, i now must use it at least 6 times in correct context.
Ning’s Mum: Your daughter is a CUTEY!!
Cindy- thank you !
Ninja- I’ll let N know that you fully endorse his methods
Your boys are too cute. WTG! Nathan! 🙂
those look great…i love those wrap things! cute, cute babies!
Haha.. Lovely boys!
Greetings from sunny Manila 🙂
Been blurking for a while but your cute boys drew me out of the woodworks.
Love your site . . . fantastic photos . . . great recipes (I love especially the Asian inspired ones of course but your tropical salmon best of all).
More power!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your photos are amazing! And I love that hot sauce! It is soooo addictive!
Hi, first time here. Really missed a lot. Lovely colors of all vegetables. Lettuce cup looks amazing. Really beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.
Haha…I love the picture of the chomping child! Also, I really love the multi-colored vegetable picture. This is my first time to your site and as a new foodblogger (hopefully), I’m quickly learning what a big place the food blogosphere is!
I hate water chestnuts, how appropriate that you described them as crunchy styrofoam! 😀 The granny smith apple substitution is genius!
Retno-Thanks. Yes, healthy…that is…if you don’t pile it high with fried noodles
Lisa – no…not my chubby hand…its Nathan’s, my eater.
Kitt- yes. absolutely survival of the fittest! You should see N’s belly.
Carol – oh but its usually ko-ko who teases di-di
Jeff – good idea!
Annie- LOL! I bet the bites get more fierce if chocolate is involved.
Elaine- Thank you!
Joey- Next time I might try a recipe that is tropical fruit/grilled ckn in lettuce cups
Kate- Oh he is FULLY aware…after the bite, he as smirking bit time.
That last photo of Andrew with his mouth open, bawling, and clutching his shoulder is priceless. Nathan looks like he isn’t even aware of what happened…..he’s still reaching for the food.
Wonderful recipe….we would totally love that!
Those look so tasty and fresh! So much texture and color…nice touch using the apples 🙂
As usual, you sons are adorable! Aw!!!
How gorgeous! The recipe and your kids, Jaden 🙂
The lettuce cups look divine, and we will be having them. The boys are ADORABLE, My son has no brother to bite but he would definitely bite one of his cousins to get a bite of something that good….
I bet I could make these using veggie sausage subbed in for the meat for my vegetarian wife
Hey Jaden, LOve the textures and the vibrant colors of your lettuce cups. The photos are simply amazing! The boys are so lovable, so heart wrenching to watch ko-ko cry!
Sorry, Jaden, I will reply your e-mail soon. I’ve been flat out!
Love the baby bird addendum! Survival of the fiercest!
The lettuce cups look amazing.. and they would be perfect for a gal like me who’d like to loose a few (1000) pounds. 😀
Now those kids.. that’s another story all together.
Could they BE any cuter??? On the first photo of the plate of ingredients, I thought to myself, “Now she can’t have such a cute lil chubby hand, can she??” ha!
PS – I’ll just crap if you tell me that was your hand. If so.. uhh.. wanna thumb wrestle?
I really love your photos!. That looks so pretty and healhty.
Nathan- even rooster sauce has imposters?
Kitt- yes. good thing. I’d be sneaking over to your lovely home and in your garden!
Meeta- i’m gonna git u back! Remember “Last Christmas” by WHAM?
Kat- I love fresh water chestnuts but the canned version totally suck
Ellie – fried mung bean noodles ROCK
East West- he ate half the apple!
LPC- what an expression! I’m gonna use it at least 4 times today.
Wonda- not twins, but 17 mo apart
Lynn- yeah, I like the crunch of water chestnut, and I’d totally use them if I had fresh ones
Zoomie- very very easy to make – i hope you try
Andreaa- thank u!
Little Corner – oh don’t pity big bro- he’s usuallly the one beating up little bro
Kace- cock sauce! I love it!
Ari- Substitute crumbled super firm tofu (or press the tofu first to extract the water and then crumble) or just add brown/white rice instead of turkey
Lydia- just make sure my kids aren’t around when you dice the apple. they’ll come over and eat half of it too
Marvin- boston bibb
WMW- yes he is!!! he’s still smiling from reading your comment
BBO- thank u!
Veron- they esp like dessert
Melinda- great recipe for entertaining or for bringing it to a function. Its a nice self-assembly dish that is so non-fussy and fun to eat.
Tiger – thank you!
Connie- honey glazed pork sounds YUMMMMM
Kevin- yeah – the orange marmalade is sweet, sticky and goes so well with everything
Steve- the orange stuff in the middle are carrots sliced with the Saladacco (pictured above), the yellow is yellow bell. I don’t always show all of the ingredients in the photo – pic was to highlight the beautiful colors of the veg. But trust me! The ginger and garlic were sitting on the cutting board!
looks very great and healthy food
Looks great, but I’m confused by the pictures. Your ingredients list says minced garlic and grated ginger, but I don’t see those on the plate. It looks like pickled radish (the yellow) and either carrots or pickled ginger (the orange in the middle). Am I missing something?
BTW, these are my wife’s favorite dish at Pei Wei, a PF Chang’s knock-off (better than PFC, in my opinion).
The photos look amazing and the recipe looks really tasty. I especially like the sound of the green apples and tangerine marmalade.
ohh yummy lettuce wraps!! i like mine with honey glazed pork instead of turkey, but i guess you can make them any way you want, huh? lol, your oldest son crying in the background reminds me of me and my brother when we were younger!! 😀 how cute
The addition of green apple was indeed a good idea 🙂 …crunchy styrofoam (errmmm…canned water chestnuts..made in ermmmm? )
I totally like the colors of this – so inviting.
I think the boys upstaged your post. They are such cute little stinkers! I love the picture of Andrew crying in the background. He didn’t see that one coming!
(Asian lettuce cups sound very good. Would be good for a works do I have to bring something to.)
Oh wow, what vibrant colors! Yes, definitely way better than PF Changs. Love the pic of your kids …looks like they are hearty eaters.
Such a simple and colorful appetizer yet look so elegant and rich.
You’re right, such a sexy looking dish you have there..And your two baby birds are such cuties! Mmm….is that a side profile of your hubby, he’s quite a dish too (from what I can see)! LOL!
I do like water chestnuts, but that is a great idea with the apples. What kind of lettuce did you use? Is it just butter lettuce?
Using apples instead of water chestnuts is inspired! I’ve never liked water chestnuts, but I appreciate the need for crunchy texture in some dishes. Will definitely put this tip to good use!!!
Well the dish looks scrumptious, there’s no doubt about that. I love getting these at PF Changs, though now I’m wondering whether there is a veggie version since I’ve stopped eating meat?
But my favorite part of this past was the action shots of your little ones – they are adorable! I can almost hear the sound effects and they attack that food. Rawr! Chomp!
And here in SoCal we’ve conveniently called “Srirarcha” sauce….
…”Cock Sauce”.
Great recipe!
Love your photos! Love the vibrant colors and yummy wraps!
I kinda pity the big brother who got bitten though. BTW, just have to say it again, handsome kiddos you have there!
oh these look lovely. flirty indeed. and the photos – gorgeous!
Love your baby birds – they are gorgeous! Not to mention your photographs! Thanks for the recipe, I love lettuce wraps but never knew how to make them before!
As always, you’re brilliant. Substituting green appples for water chestnuts is awesome. I put them in for the crunch, but don’t especially like the flavor. Your boys are too funny!
Such handsome cute boys! Twins? And such delicate, sophicated, sexy wraps! Thanks for dropping by my blog.
About those added photos; I’m not sure if “That bites!” would suffice, or if I should go with, “Oh, you and your biting humor”, or maybe, “I always knew your blog had teeth to it”, or quite possibly, “He obviously leaves quite an impression” … 😉
How dare you tell me to go fr … Honey!! Jaden told me to go fry my noodle!!!
Lovely pictures! I like your addition of green apples (cute little hand too!)
I love my mung bean noodles, but have never ever had them fried before! Hmm, this needs looking into 😀 Gorgeous photos, as per usual, love the second one with the tiny hand entering via stage right 😉
These look and sound great. I’ve also made a version of this before and thank goodness the water chestnuts I used didn’t taste like styrofoam!
Jaden, colorful, healthy and spectacular! Looks mouthwatering!
Still got that song in your head? LOL!
You’re lucky I live so far away. I would so be stalking your house at dinnertime otherwise — doing my best baby bird impression.
watch out for the poser hot sauce with the GOOSE on it. on the outside it looks the same, but on the inside, it’s got nothing on rooster.