Here fishy fishy fishy!

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club-med-columbus-isle-wahoo fish

Our little blogger vacay at Club Med Columbus Isle wasn’t all sand, beach and unlimited cocktails – honey, we worked HARD for our food! I landed this 45 pound wahoo with the help of hunka-hunka Clyde the boat captain.

Clyde has been taking a group of visiting chefs from the Food and Wine Festival out to fish every day to catch good eats for dinner. On this particular day, I went with Diane, Alex (husband of Smitten Kitchen Deb), Matt, Adam and Steve-Anna (Elise‘s friend) The pressure was ON to catch something for dinner…otherwise all 80 of us would be eating stale cracker crumbs.

I don’t know what I was thinking, but I sorta was expecting a big fishing yacht. Okay, I was WISHING it was a big fishing yacht, and instead we got on a boat big enough for 4 monkeys and a jackrabbit. There were 4 long, strong fishing poles on the boat, each pole chained to the boat, which I thought was kinda dumb because what if we snagged something massive like a 600 pound shark?? And what if that said shark yanks the pole like a bamboo skewer and flings the boat back and forth…all because the damn precious pole was chained to the boat.

So, anyways, Kevin the co-captain drove while hunka hunka skewered dead sardines onto the hooks to use as bait. He then sprinkled some powdered seasoning on the dead sardine (he said it was powdered brine which helped preserve the sardine…but personally I think it was a bit of Old Bay Seasoning which is always good on seafood) and threw the bait out in the water.

Twenty minutes later, the reel thingy started spinning like outta control crazy and hunka hunka leapt towards the pole, ordered me to sit in the “hot seat,”  put my feet up and brace myself.

Hunka hunka then positioned the big, thick fishing rod RIGHT BETWEEN MY LEGS and yelled “Reel, baby REEL!!”


Big fish. Such fighting power between my legs!

After 4 minutes of orgasmically wrestling with the fishing pole….I needed a quick rum break.

And then, he finally came.


It was so much fun that one of us DID IT TWICE, and another (wince) had a premature release — the fish got away.

But look, we each got one!


So, what did we do with the fish?

One word…


This is Chef Sean Bernal of The Oceanaire Seafood Room, the most talented seafood man I know.


Look how clean he fillets the fish….WOWZA. That’s sexy.

chef sean bernal oceanaire seafood room miami florida

My friend Diane took all these pics!

The Best Welcome Home Ever


More Fish Action

sheephead-fish-cbs I was on CBS in Tampabay and talked about our trip and how to buy seafood.

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  1. I just found your website today and have been reading for the past hour. I love it! I love your writing style and sense of humor. The stories your share along with each recipe makes them even better. Keep up the good work. I will definitely be checking this site more often.

  2. OMG I have been laughing so hard, and couldn’t read it to Michael with a straight face. LOL What a fantastic time you had! So envious of your trip!

  3. Good morning. After your description of fishing I must attend the next food and wine event at Club Med.

  4. What a cute pic of you doing the “reel baby, reel” thang! Sounds like a great time was had by all. (Not that I’m bitter or anything from sitting here all week watching it snow YET again.) ;o}

  5. rofl, you have a way with words. Very nice catch and welcome back

  6. Such big fish!

  7. Hunka Hunka – good name for a tuna martini. You tell us to keep it clean and stay on topic. Yeah sure…. Naughty, naughty.
    I’m sure trips like this help you charge your batteries and get new ideas. I’d hate constantly–on deadline–having to produce new and fresh recipes and text. You always do a good job!!!

  8. Love the action photos and the look on your face at the reel!! I have to send this to my guy as he loves to fish (but never catches anything…haha) and will be soo jealous!!

  9. hunka-hunka Clyde is right!

  10. Wow. Love the action photo. Would love to do that some day!

    Did your boys think you were (even more of) a Goddess to do that?
    Hope they know their Mom rocks!

  11. What a great trip! The photo with your boys is great. I enjoyed all the posts.

  12. What a great story! I loved it!!

    Does the last photo meant that it’s over already??? ‘Cause we were just getting warmed up to hunka hunka…

    Welcome back!!

    ~ Paula

  13. I am on the floor….can’t…breath….stop….too funny!

    I was going to use a double entendre but you already used them all;)

    Glad you guys had such a good time.

  14. Very funny…and love the pic of your boys kissing you even though it’s out of focus. It’s the best! 🙂

  15. Wow. I never really thought of sean as sexy. go figure.

    a man who can fillet a fish blindfolded is HOT! ~jaden

  16. That is SO funny!!! I laughed so hard. My husband is sitting next to me, working on his computer, and asking me “What? What’s so funny?” Your descriptions are totally hilarious!!!!

    you’ll have to tell husband to take YOU fishing! ~jaden

  17. Damnit Jaden, you never cease to make me insanely jealous. Can you send a gorgeous boat captain me way, at the very least?

    how about next time you just join us for the next bloggers bash? ~jaden

  18. Ok, I totally love all the innuendo because thats just how my brain works! What an incredible experience!

  19. awesome : )

  20. What a big catch. You seem to enjoy so much this trip. Have fun and drink more cocktails for us.

  21. What a big catch. You seems to enjoy so much this trip. Have fun and drink more cocktails for us.



  1. Pastry Daily » Blog Archive » san salvador island, bahamas - [...] our awesome host: Massages and Cockburn Town, Chef Fishing, Gratuitous Blogger Photos and Deep Sea Fishing (with Alex!) on…

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