Life is Grand…Especially When Beachin’ in the Bahamas

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Life is certainly grand for David Lebovitz – even though he did threaten to wear this, but I think he’s too chicken to model that slingshot for us.

Hanging out in Cockburn Town



Adam, Matt, Diane, Elise and me…oh and a camera perched on a rock.

When the locals here at Club Med Columbus Isle say that “you can walk to town…it’s just around the corner,” they really mean it’s 4 miles round trip! It would’ve been okay if

1) I wasn’t wearing flip flops
2) was thirsty, but had planned on that “short” walk for some Cuban rum

We wanted to make a short movie about our long journey for Cuban rum (…oh…shuddup…4 miles round trip in flip flops walking on uneven roads is a long journey!)

But when we got to town, WHAT???? NO CUBAN RUM!!!



And so I ranted in the movie, threatening to twist the bartender’s nipples if he didn’t get us some Cuban Rum.


The End.


Club Med Columbus Isle Posts

Matt just posted with some photos; Diane has more photos of the group and come see David’s post about the Blogger’s Bocce in the Bahamas!

Past posts of our trip

Bloggers in Club Med What happens in the Bahamas stays in the Bahamas, unless…

club-med-columbus-isle-51 When Chef’s fish shipment doesn’t arrive…

Club Med Bloggers Trip My blogroll will be 40 pounds heavier next week…

The End.

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  1. All I can say is, good thing I was lying on my stomach…

  2. Oh Jaden, you make me hate my life!

  3. You are too funny! Love the black & white shots.

  4. Hi Jaden, lovely to see you had a great trip in Bahamas : ) Greetings from Basel, Switzerland. I miss the sunshine in Tampa.

  5. LOL

    The 4 mile round trip should burn away some calories. You all have been eating and drinking way too much! :-p

  6. Do you have any possible idea how proud some of us are, who’ve been in contact with you a long time, now that you’re at this point? Yeah, exactly. 😉

  7. What a great bunch. Love the pics. Thanks.

  8. The ranting shots are awesome. You’re so spunky! The cameraman doesn’t look like he’s taking you too serious, though. 😉 No Rum! Awwww. Diane promised me some! Keep searching! Just kidding. Have a great time and no blisters. Todd.

  9. Fun pictures, Jaden. Too cute!!


    ~ Paula

  10. I’m so jealous of all the fun you’re having!

  11. Enjoying these little snippets of your holiday!

  12. It’s probably my juvenile sense of humor, but the name of that town makes me smirk. How can they call themselves a tropical island and have no rum in town?!

  13. I love the black & white photos! Good thing you don’t use Google Ads or that post title will pull in some interesting ads.


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