Food Blog Forum Atlanta

Food Blog Forum Atlanta

By far one of the best things about food blogging is being able to cultivate nuggets of moments where Scott and I can work side by side. We're quite opposite in talents (he's a computer programmer and professional poker player; I'm click-n-pray and way too spazzy and...

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Shrimp Pad Thai Salad

Shrimp Pad Thai Salad

Bursting with plenty of lean protein from the shrimp, this Pad Thai Salad recipe is fit as a main course. This recipe is courtesy of celebrity chef Bobby Flay's new cookbook Bobby Flay Fit: 200 Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle. Learn how to make a spicy, nutty...

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Charred Tomato Salsa Recipe

Charred Tomato Salsa Recipe

Doesn't a smoky, zesty Charred Tomato Salsa sound amazing? This sauce takes ancient traditions and makes them modern. It features charred tomatoes, spicy jalapeno, zesty garlic and onions, and a little sprinkle of salt. Ready to learn the secrets of the art of...

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Potato Chips in the Microwave

Potato Chips in the Microwave

Satisfy your salty craving in just a matter of minutes with this microwaved crispy potato chip recipe! Sure eating an entire bag of chips from the store can be fun, but making homemade potato chips is rewarding and satisfying!  When I learned that potato...

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Chocolate Nutella Cake

Chocolate Nutella Cake

Learn how to make a super quick and satisfying Chocolate Mug Cake in the microwave in just 1 minute! This microwave chocolate cake has a special ingredient, making it extra luscious - Nutella! A perfect single serve cake when the sweet tooth starts cracking on! ...

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Meeting Food Network’s Dave Lieberman

Meeting Food Network’s Dave Lieberman

So, what do you say to break the ice when you meet one of People Magazine's 50 Hottest Bachelors? bluhbhlubhlbuhbbbbbb We'll I'm going to let you guess what I said (and let you win something cool) A few nights ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dave Lieberman,...

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The plan! The plan!

The plan! The plan!

Our SmartFarm has transformed from hand-drawn cartoon to a real plan!!!! <-larger image *** Before I even get to The Plans! The Plans! Can I just do a 20-second drive by of my NYC trip? I've been to New York City so many times these past couple of years that if...

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Popcorn with Parmesan and Truffle Oil

Popcorn with Parmesan and Truffle Oil

I have a new addiction but luckily this time, it’s not quite as unhealthy as my last (ahem … Kit Kats) or budget-breaking as the one before that (ahem … fresh oysters from the Pacific Northwest). It’s all my friend Jennifer’s fault. She gushed on about her new popcorn...

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