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To finish, please check your email and confirm. If you use gmail, you might have to check your "Promotions" folder.  (that's Duke asking you to pretty please confirm your subscription!) In the meantime, here's your free Asian Masters of Flavor booklet in PDF. You...

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Reverse Meal Planning

Reverse Meal Planning

Reverse Meal PlanningDid you know... Did you know that The Natural Resources Defense Council estimates that 25% of the food bought in American households gets thrown away.  For a family of four, that wasted food costs an average of $1800, or $150 per month.   Can you...

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Japanese Furikake French Fries Recipe

Japanese Furikake French Fries Recipe

In response to the latest buzz about the lawsuit against Deceptively Delicious author, Jessica Seinfeld, I'm launching my own Steamy campaign against the entire concept of hiding vegetables in your kids food. But all in good humor. Seinfeld's recipes included stuff...

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Chinese New Year Recipes – Party Like It’s 4707!

Chinese New Year Recipes – Party Like It’s 4707!

Don't put away your party shoes just yet! I know you think that the new year celebrations are over, but for many Asians all over the world, the biggest holiday is yet to come! January 26th is the beginning of Chinese New Year, a 15-day long celebration and the start...

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Korean Beef Rice Bowl

Korean Beef Rice Bowl

Last week was "Sneak zucchini on  your neighbor's porch day" - and lo and behold, I got a few on my doorstep. Except none of my neighbors have gardens. It's a complete mystery, and I appreciate the thoughtful gesture. I guess if anyone could find a use for...

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Asian Steak Kabobs

Asian Steak Kabobs

We've been kabob happy lately, and it's all because of this man: click on photos to see where we were! and this man: My kids want to be Adam when they grow up. These two men wrote this book: Get this book! I know you'll love it! Chicken and Waffles on a Stick? hells...

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Slow Butter Braised Asparagus

Slow Butter Braised Asparagus

I'll admit, I have been caught up in the whole slow-cooking trend lately. Most of my slow-cooking has yielded succulent and tender results, like Tropical Island Salmon and Baby Back Ribs with Asian Orange Ginger Glaze, and yes, I've also had a couple of disasters. One...

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Kofta Meatballs with Sweet and Sour Cherry Sauce

Kofta Meatballs with Sweet and Sour Cherry Sauce

Last week, the boys were on spring break (does anyone remember when spring break was actually in Spring?) and we decided as a family to staycation the week instead of braving the crowds at Disney or spending money on traveling. With 5 acres, 2 dogs, 10 chickens,...

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Crispy Tofu with Citrus Soy Recipe

Crispy Tofu with Citrus Soy Recipe

Crispy Tofu with Citrus Soy Ahhh...finally a tofu recipe. This recipe is from Eric Gower's The Breakaway Cook, which is a wonderful cookbook if you enjoy global flavors. In fact, it inspired me to start playing with  Flavored Salts (that's Sichuan Peppercorn...

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