Thank You for entering the $100 DoorDash Gift Card Giveaway

Thank You for entering the $100 DoorDash Gift Card Giveaway! Check out Day Eleven bonus questions below.

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  1. I would love to try this saffron. It would be a nice change to our home cooking.

  2. I would really appreciate this. I am struggling with my mental and physical health. I am receiving Ontario works (I receive 751 dollars a month, 560 goes to my patents) while waiting to get an appeal for ODSP. We live in a small town in Canada, and it would be a long walk, especially with my health, to get to any restaurant or grocery store. I’d either have to walk a while to get to a bus that is not very reliable, get an uber/lyft or taxi, or I’d have to get my dad to drive me, but I feel bad as he had surgery a decade ago due to a spinal cord injury, plus he has chronic knee pain (needs a knee replacement) he can walk but he limps. My dad, my sister (who has schizophrenia and autism), and my brother (who also has autism as well as adhd and depression) are on ODSP, and it is a struggle. My dad does a lot around the house, including cooking, which makes me feel bad. We rarely ever eat fast food due to how expensive it is now, and delivery services cost a lot with fees, plus the “tip”, or bid for service that you have to pay for. If I had this, I would definitely order food for myself and my family as a treat.

  3. I like both cash and gift cards


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