Giveaway: Raw Honey and Beeswax Candles from Mohawk Valley Trading Company

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Please Note: This giveaway is only open to residents of the contiguous 48 states of the US, and only physical address please, no PO boxes.

About Mohawk Valley Trading Company

Since 1991 The Mohawk Valley Trading Company has offered the highest quality organic, unprocessed natural products we can produce namely; maple syrup, raw honey, beeswax, beeswax candles, natural skin care products and handmade soap.

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About Beeswax Candles

Mohawk Valley Trading Company 100% Pure Beeswax Candles are unscented and made with 100% cotton wicks and 100% pure, all natural, unbleached, yellow beeswax produced by their bees in the USA.

There are many benefits to choosing beeswax over paraffin candles. Beeswax candles burn clean; unlike paraffin, they do not contain any additives or synthetic chemicals. Paraffin candles leave behind black soot from smoke as they are burned which can damage furniture, walls, pictures, drapes and lungs. When burned correctly with a trimmed wick and in a draft free zone, beeswax candles are smokeless, soot free and dripless. When burned, they emit negative ions, thought by some to clean the air and prevent problems with asthma and depression.

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About Honey

Honey has been used by humans since ancient times for its health benefits and as a sweetener and flavoring for many foods and beverages.

If you are planning to use honey for its health-benefits, it must be raw honey. Heating honey (pasteurization) destroys the all of the pollen, enzymes, propolis, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and aromatics. The rawest honey available is comb honey  (sections of the hexagonal-shaped beeswax cells of the honeycomb that contain raw honey that have been cut from the wooden frames of a beehive), however most people prefer bottled raw honey.

Included in this Giveaway

(total approximate value 60.00)

How to Enter This Giveaway

Please fill out the entry form below.

Extra Special Deal! The Mohawk Valley Trading Company is offering a 20% discount on all 100% beeswax candles  from 2/18/14 thru 2/26/14 with the Promo Code “Steamy Kitchen”/

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