Have you ever made your own soda? It’s actually super-easy. And much healthier too!
Recently, our entire family transitioned away from sodas. We gave up our 2-a-day Diet Coke habit and replaced it with soda water, made by the Purefizz Soda Maker.
It took about a week to get used to not having sugar (I mean, chemicals) in my drink, but once I got over the initial hump, I can’t imagine drinking that nasty cola at home anymore!
The Purefizz Soda Maker is really simple to use, with single carbonation cartridges.
We’ve been infusing our drinks with lime and ginger slices – it’s the perfect refreshing drink.
If you want to transition off of sugar sodas, I highly suggest this plan:
Make a vow to only drink sodas when you eat out for dinner. (Well, hopefully, you don’t eat out every day!) Vow to only drink water or infused soda water at home.
Let’s start slow: Make or buy a bottle of simple syrup. Use the Purefizz Soda Maker to create a delicious drink, infused with your choice of fruit. Add a little simple syrup. Each day, add less simple syrup. By the end of the week, your body will crave the clean, refreshing, all-natural soda water and you won’t need the sugar anymore!
Just do it! Wean yourself off of the chemicals!
You can buy the Purefizz here:
How the Purefizz Soda Maker works
Giveaway: Purefizz Soda Maker from Mastrad
We’re giving away one Purefizz Soda Maker! Good luck!