Giveaway: Fair Trade Products goodie bag for Fair Trade Month 2013

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Fair Trade Month – Buy Fair. Be Fair.

Did you know that October is Fair Trade Month? It’s the perfect time to Be Fair and celebrate the global impact of Fair Trade! What is Fair Trade you might be wondering? Fair Trade Certified™ products are just that. Fair. It’s a sustainable model for fighting poverty in developing countries. When you purchase a Fair Trade Certified product the farmer receives a fair deal for their hard work. This daily choice is a small one, but collectively our everyday purchasing decisions have a large impact on families and communities around the world.


This year’s theme is Be Fair. Just as we teach our children to be fair and treat our family and friends likewise, we can practice fairness through our purchases. Fair Trade empowers shoppers to choose products—like tea, coffee, chocolate and produce—that make a real difference. By choosing Fair Trade Certified products, you are empowering farmers to earn fair wages for their hard work and helping them improve their communities, protect the environment and grow the best products possible. It’s a win-win that you can feel great about!


Show Your Support

A simple way to show your support is to swap out one item in your daily routine – like trading in your cup of coffee or that banana for the Fair Trade version. Exchanging your usual cup of joe for a delicious, steaming mug of Fair Trade certified coffee can also get your creative juices flowing, so you’ll have more energy to tackle the day!

Be sure to take and share the Fairness Quiz and see how you measure up against your friends.  Learn more about Fair Trade, watch a cute new video of kids explaining


what it means to Be Fair, and check out infographics about the impact you can make when you choose to Be Fair.

About Fair Trade USA:

Fair Trade USA, a nonprofit organization, is the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in North America. They audit and certify transactions between companies and their international suppliers to ensure adherence to the rigorous Fair Trade standards. Fair Trade USA also educates consumers and provides farming communities with tools, training and resources to thrive as international businesspeople.

Included in this Giveaway:

  1. Fair Trade Certified Tote Bag (@FairTradeUSA)
  2. Alter Eco Quinoa (@AlterEcoSF)
  3. Mr. Espresso (@OakWoodRoasted)
  4. Reunion Island Coffee (@RICoffeeCo)
  5. Eco Lips ONE WORLD Lip Balm (@ecolips)
  6. Frontier All-Natural Vanilla Extract (@FrontierCoop)
  7. Guittard Baking Bars (@GuittardChoco)
  8. Alter Eco Chocolate (@AlterEcoSF)
  9. Alter Eco Truffles (@AlterEcoSF)
  10. Numi Fair Trade Mini Sampler (@NumiTea)
  11. Honest Tea (@HonestTea)
  12. Be Fair KeepCup (@FairTradeUSA)
  13. Make a Stand Lemon-aid (@vivienneharr)
  14. Twinings (@TwiningsTeaUK)
  15. TCHO (@TCHOchocolate)

(Approximate combined value $100)

How to Enter this Giveaway

Please fill out the entry form below!

To learn more about Fair Trade, follow Fair Trade USA on:




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