Giveaway: Glass Carafe Water Filter + Year Supply of Filter Refills from Soma

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about soma

Our goal was to design a water filter you love so much that you finally get your eight glasses a day, happily. Soma’s filters are made entirely from biodegradable materials, including coconut shells, silk, and a plant-based casing. Proven to reduce aesthetic chlorine, taste and odor. Say goodbye to plastic. Soma’s German-engineered glass carafe keeps water crisp and fresh. And it’s shatter-resistant too. After many a night in appliance stores testing Soma’s fit in refrigerators, sinks, and unsuspecting employees’ hands, we arrived at the perfect size.

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included in this giveaway

  • (1) Soma Carafe + 1 year’s worth of filters (filters will be shipped every 60 days)

Estimated Retail Value: $100

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how to enter the giveaway

Please fill out the entry form below.

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