100% Compostable Glorybrew Coffee Pod Review + $100 Giveaway

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We have been drinking Glorybrew Coffee Pods for the Keurig machine for the past 30 days. Here’s our review, including both PROs and CONs.

Glorybrew Coffee Pod Review – 100% Compostable!

According to the NY Times, in 2015, Keurig sold 9 billion K-Cups, of that 0% was recyclable. Recently, they launched 100% recyclable pods, however, many recycling companies’ machines still have trouble spotting the very small pods to sort them correctly.

To solve the problem, Glorybrew created pods that are 100% compostable within 7 weeks.

Is Compostable same as Biodegradable?

No! Glorybrew pods break down completely after 7 weeks, into “humus,” which provides valuable nutrients to the soil, without releasing any toxins or chemicals into the environment, in a timely manner. Biodegradable products often take years, decomposing into elements found in nature, but are allowed to release toxins during the process (source).

Glorybrew Tasting

Glorybrew has 3 different coffees, Medium Roast, Dark Roast and Extra Dark Roast.

Medium Roast flavor – The Duke: “This medium-roast blend has a bright, pleasant aroma with medium acidity and mellow toasted notes. Arabica beans sourced from premium selections in Indonesia give this blend its earthy notes, while Latin American Arabica beans round-out a smooth finish.”

Dark Roast flavor – The Knight: “This dark-roast blend is a strong, full-bodied coffee, rich in roasted notes. Arabica beans sourced from premium selections in Indonesia give this blend a subtle spice, while Latin American Arabica beans round-out a smooth finish.”

Extra Dark Roast flavor – The Noble: “This extra dark-roast blend is an intense, full-bodied coffee balanced with low acidity and subtle hints of chocolate. Arabica beans sourced from premium selections in Indonesia give this blend an earthy cocoa note, while Latin American Arabica beans round-out a velvety finish.”

My normal coffee routine

I’m a minimalist, low-fuss, high quality coffee gal. I buy coffee in small batches every weekend, grind it all at the store, and brew in a Aerobie AeroPress. When I’m feeling fancy, I’ll grind my own beans in a hand-crank, ceramic burr, Hario Skerton grinder. My reason for this set up is simple: Everything can be stored in a drawer, without cluttering my kitchen countertop, and I get my morning coffee with the littlest effort and shortest time. The Aeropress manages to extract the best tasting, full flavored espresso, with little acidity, from even pre-ground coffee. I add a bit of water after extraction to make “Americano.” Espresso + hot water = my morning coffee.

I only drink 1 cup every morning, and I’m the only coffee drinker in the house, so I’m only making coffee once. I drink my coffee black.

My Mom, on the other hand, loves the Nespresso machine, and she uses compatible Gourmesso coffee pods (same company that makes these Glorybrew pods).

What I think of Glorybrew

My favorite blend was The Knight, the dark roast. It’s rich, smooth and just enough body that if you wanted to add a bit of skim milk, it would come out perfect. There wasn’t anything extraordinary about the coffee blends itself, but that’s not what Glorybrew is about. The company invests heavily in the environmentally friendly aspect of its products. The coffee is Rainforest Alliance certified, “This means our coffee is grown to meet standards that require environmental, social, and economic sustainability.”

So, if that’s the most important thing for you, and hey, you get great coffee as well, then Glorybrew is perfect for you.

If you are a big coffee geek, and are looking for the subtle flavor profiles of spicy cloves, fruity notes or toasted grains, then stick with your current coffee.

For me, in the early morning, I’m not awake enough to say, “hmmm…..this morning, I’m detecting hints of skunky blueberry and malic acid in my coffee, it must have been a wet season in Costa Rica.” This chart does not excite me.

It was nice to just pop a pod in the Keurig (Glorybrew sent me a Keurig machine, too) and seconds later, my coffee was whistling at me that it was ready to wipe that grump off my face.

As you can see, the pods are less than half the size of the Keurig pods.

Pop it right in.

When it’s done, the entire thing is compostable and recyclable.

Because the coffee is exposed, you will need to store the unused pods in the provided baggie.

Cost of Glorybrew

The pods come out to about 71 cents each, sold on Amazon. The package includes a box of each blend. Give the blends a try and then you can order your favorite directly from Glorybrew. By the way, Amazon users have rated Glorybrew 4.6 out of 5 stars.

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Glorybrew $100 Giveaway

Glorybrew will provide winner $100 worth of their coffee!

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