This is exactly what I need for days after my therapy when they tell you to apply heat and you can’t get to those spots if I don’t win it im definitely going to try and get my physiotherapist to get this for me because the ones I have I have to use my hands and shoulders to reach those areas and then it just sets me back for the treatment in my shoulders but this would have been perfect the other day after My physio appointment he rolled my back with his fingers so grabbing the little bit of skin I have on my back and with his fingers rolling it all the way up throughout my whole back to release all the knots and grainy parts under my skin however after that and still today it’s so sore and it hurt sooooo bad but this is going to be helpful definitely going to bring it up in my next appointment
I need something like this so much. I struggle regularly with neck & back pain & get frequent headaches from stiffness. This would be amazing to win! Thank you for the chance!
I'm Jaden Rae, a TV chef, cookbook author, recipe developer, and the creative force behind Steamy Kitchen, a 19-year food blog focused on Asian cuisine and mindful living. Steamy Kitchen has been featured on The List, the Today Show,, Martha Stewart Living Radio & more.
You know when you cook way too much rice and it just sits in the fridge, lonely and forgotten? Yeah, let's not do that anymore. This vegan crispy rice salad boasts some truly amazing texture, mildly spicy flavors, and fresh veggies. It’s a healthy meal that...
I know. Oatmeal is a bit of a bore. Bland. Mushy. The sad, neglected cousin of more thrilling breakfasts. But this? This is oatmeal revitalized! Succulent, caramelized apricots roasted with cinnamon and date syrup. Creamy, spiced oats with ashwagandha, the ancient...
Let's face it. Some salads are just sad. Limp lettuce. Bland dressing. But, not this one. Nay! This salad is a response to all those sad salads you've had to endure. A rebellion. A shout into the universe, "We're sick of sad salads. And we're not gonna do it anymore!"...
I use a heating pad now, this would be so much better and relaxing
This is exactly what I need for days after my therapy when they tell you to apply heat and you can’t get to those spots if I don’t win it im definitely going to try and get my physiotherapist to get this for me because the ones I have I have to use my hands and shoulders to reach those areas and then it just sets me back for the treatment in my shoulders but this would have been perfect the other day after My physio appointment he rolled my back with his fingers so grabbing the little bit of skin I have on my back and with his fingers rolling it all the way up throughout my whole back to release all the knots and grainy parts under my skin however after that and still today it’s so sore and it hurt sooooo bad but this is going to be helpful definitely going to bring it up in my next appointment
I need something like this so much. I struggle regularly with neck & back pain & get frequent headaches from stiffness. This would be amazing to win! Thank you for the chance!
This would feel so great after a long day at work!