Vinturi Wine Opener

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vinturi wine opener review

vinturiVinturi is known for their wine aerators, but have recently launched new elegant and sophisticated accessories that are exclusively available at Williams-Sonoma.

Today, we’re reviewing the Vertical Wine Opener (sold exclusively at Williams Sonoma $99) – it’s a high-end wine opener that looks like a sports car and operates like one too.

I have both tendonitis and tennis elbow and dread opening wine bottles. I normally hand off the bottle and the opener to my husband to do the deed. But the Vinturi is so easy to use – the motion is one fluid, easy vertical motion. No tugging, jerking or readjusting my hands just to get the wine opened.

Best part – no pain at all!

It is pricey at $99.00, though Vinturi’s new product line is high-end, made of durable chrome-plated cast zinc and plastic. It’s a heavy beast, but the weight is what makes the lever motion work so well. The weight keeps the wine bottle still and easy to grip. Even with my small hands I had no trouble keeping the wine bottle from moving or wobbling on the table.

They have 3 styles of Vinturi wine openers – the bottom left is the “Traditional Wine Opener” and the bottom right is the “Winged Corkscrew” – available at Williams Sonoma for $99 and $39.95 respectively.

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About the Vinturi Vertical Wine Opener

Designed to open wine bottles with a quick up-and-down motion, this opener is unrivaled in ease of use and style. Sized and shaped for comfortable use at home or on the go, it works with bottles of all sizes and corks of all types.

  • Durable chrome-plated cast zinc and plastic.
  • Nonstick screw glides easily through cork.
  • Includes built-in foil cutter.

Vinturi Vertical Wine Opener Giveaway

Vinturi sent me a Vinturi Vertical Wine Opener for an honest review & giveaway.

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