Apple iPad Giveaway

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Hi! Meet my two rescue dogs, Rocco and Lainey. They have a very special gift they’d like to give away….it’s a brand new Apple iPad in gold!

This giveaway is sponsored by Rocco and Lainey. They just want belly rubs in return 🙂


Lainey has been with our family for almost 5 years. Previously, she was living at an animal adoption shelter for 18 months!!!! Can you imagine being passed over by families every single day for 18 months? Poor girl. We just had to take her home. Lainey is the playful one, her favorite activity is running and belly flopping in the swimming pool to chase after a thrown ball. She’s a great swimmer!


This photo is from they day after we adopted Rocco.

I was a volunteer at the animal adoption, helping photograph new doggy arrivals (“glamour” shots!) I saw Rocco, and my heart just melted. He was previously living in a kill-shelter in Atlanta, Georgia. Not only was he slated to be euthanized, but he was dying of extreme heart worm. Usually, when people walk by the cages at the shelter, the dogs would bark, jump, be curious….but Rocco wouldn’t even lift his head or respond to food. Our adoption agency swooped this sweetheart up, brought him to Florida, and that’s when I found him.

We spent 3 months nurturing him back to health….and now he’s a happy, full of love and wet kisses.

Thanks for letting us share our doggy family with you…

An iPad for you!

This summer, we bought 3 iPads to give away. This is the second one we’re giving away (here’s the first)….and we’ll post the last one very soon.


Enter Rocco & Lainey’s iPad Giveaway!


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