Thank You For Entering the Hello Sunshine! $500 Cash Giveaway

Thank you for entering the Hello Sunshine! $500 Cash Giveaway ! Come back tomorrow to enter again! – Jaden 


  1. I think you have a fantastic site, I would love to win anything, a step up is just what I need as rock bottom is where I reside since the loss of one of my children. It showed me that when someone loses a loved one true friends are rare

  2. am i legit in Egypt?

    • eligible. sorry

    • We can only ship you a prize if you have an address in the US or Canada. Thanks for supporting Steamy Kitchen!

  3. Thanks for having this promotion. It is AWESOME and I am sure it will help out whoever wins a lot. Take car and be safe. Good Luck Everyone!!!

  4. This would be a great Bday gift for me!!!

  5. If i get $500 then i will help my parents and i will love to help them because this days i m not working so i i cant help them but if i get then i will be really happy .God bless you who created this website.☺️

  6. Don’t have Facebook

  7. Really not fond of the Beta format. The latest changes were pretty good but added a good bit to the time of entry for each contest. Over al your site has a low probabilty of winning and adding more hoops to jump through would make me reconsider the supporting of this site.

  8. Pls i want to buy a birthday gift for my bestfriend

  9. Hmmm… what would I buy… well, being Canadian it depends on if it’s $500 Canadian or $500 US. If it’s $500 Canadian I’ll buy a metal detector, If it’s $500 US I’ll buy a better metal detector.

  10. It’s time for a new puppy since our old (17 years) Schnussell (Miniature Schnauzer and Jack Russell) died last year.  Five hundred would go a long way at a rescue.  We may even call her/him “Sunshine.”

  11. If I win I’m buying a new vacuum!! Need one so bad!!!

  12. Hi! I enjoy your giveaways and have been entering them for many years, but still have not won anything. I am 71 now, I hope I win soon!


    • Hello Frances, yes they are open for USA and Canada!

  14. the Samsung Galaxy instant win is impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant make it work. I give up!

  15. thanks

  16. Thanks for the Opportunity to WIN these Awesome Giveaway’s! And for sharing your Love of Life and Recipes! I have a Lab too that we rescued from a shelter back in 2015. Her name is Athena and she’s the Smartest and Best Dog EVER! Never owned a Lab before her. She’s 7 now and Growing Strong! Thanks Again and Be Safe and Stay Healthy!!

  17. how would the 500 dollars bring sunshine to our home? well……I would buy a new vacuum if I don’t win the Dyson …mine broke down …with my son and I having allergies, it’s very important to vacuum the dust from everywhere including all furniture …need badly ….and would also buy an air fryer ……….to get the kids to start eating healthier ….or maybe a bigger bbq to save on electricity and to not heat up the apartment …so many things we need …ooh yes ..a couple of lamps are desperately needed as well …make things brighter and sunnier 🙂 thx Jaden xx

  18. I love Steamy Kitchen. I enjoy seeing the products and learning about them. And the best is trying to win them

  19. love this giveaways super cool

  20. I liked entering contests and being able to win something nice .

  21. Hello, I’m also not seeing the Walmart gift card give away any more. I’m have spinal stenosis and sciatica, please help me win a with at least the $500.00 dollar cash giveaway. I’ve never won anything this large before. It would help me with bills and groceries as well. And because of my illness, it’s hard getting to the store to shop. I’m always entering your contest, and have never won anything from your contest at all. I’m always seeing all these other older people winning, but never me. Please help, it would really be nice to win from Steamy Kitchen Contest, and a true Blessing as well. So if us need help during this crazy virus situation that’s going on right now. Help another senior like I’ve seen u help the other ones.

    • we all need this …….only thing ……it’s done by a random system …not picked by humans …lol there are sooooooo many of us who follow Jaden & steamy kitchen that eventually our name is BOUND to come up for something ….could be a long time though …..I also have sciatica and 2 disintegrated discs ….I understand totally how difficult it is to get around ….God bless & Best of luck xx

  22. I found out I have to go to the Brave browser to do the instant win spins Firefox will work once and will not refresh. I am also still using Windows 7.

  23. Why are some of the giveaways suddenly disappearing? There was a $100 Walmart card with several months left before it expired and now it’s gone. Then a laptop at the very end of the list is now missing and it wasn’t moved to the top like others coming up as expiring soon. Where did they go and is this all fake?

  24. If I won money…wow.. it is good to start making small business …,I wish I won

  25. I t says I got 5 pts for liking on FB…I’m not on FB

    • We do not give entries for liking facebook – only for going to the page – so you may have went to the page and were awarded those entries for doing so! – Steamy Kitchen Team

  26. I really hope that I win any of these prizes. I have never won anything in my life and I am 53 years old. I make sure that I enter everyday so my chances go up for me to win. Your site for winning things is much better than dealmax!

  27. Such a cool giveaway. My daughter just had a baby on June 3 during this crazy time it has been very hard. Would love to give her a day of pampering. Very much needed for the Mamma.

  28. I’m planning on using it to buy food for the homeless in my town, however I’ll still be happy for whoever earn this.

  29. I would buy a soft mattress and or box spring. I’ve had mine for many years. It’s very firm and uncomfortable ha

  30. Thank you for making this fab giveaway open to Canadians too. I shared it with my readers on my blog. TurtleDove Thoughts. I love your cheery emails. They brighten up even the dreariest of days! Thank you for all your hard work. Your blog is amazing!


  32. Also thanks for the opportunity

  33. I would like to win this to buy my mom a nice gift for her birthday

  34. How would I let the sunshine in?
    I would start a savings account for each of my three grandchildren, and once started, I would add a few dollars to those accounts, monthly.

  35. I hope to win this so I can help my mother pay our pills, we have a $250 late fee we cannot pay and we’d really love to win this.

  36. Would love to win this! Saving for a car and this would come in handy~

  37. How would I let the sunshine in?
    As a writer, and soon to be published author, I would use the gift to purchase every must-have for the modern (working) writer – starting with a specific laptop – one that’s at the TOP of my WISHLIST (areplacement for the barely working, 15 year old laptop I currently posses.)
    Any remaining money would be spent on a writing program. And, tea! Most every writer has an addiction to tea (and/or coffee). As a tea expert, drinking tea is a special experience, and a daily joy that gets the creative juices flowing!
    This would be the ULTIMATE dream come true!!
    *Fngers crossed*

  38. hey ….this would be the perfect one for me to win ….then…could buy my own vacuum and pots and pans ….perfect lol c’mon lucky giveaway random picker machine gods lol gl everyone & stay safe xx

  39. If I were lucky to win ,I would use it on my family . Including our new dog. Champ. My daughter came home with him last week.

  40. Instant win spins don’t work! Tried 3!

  41. Hello Summer indeed! $500! I cannot say I would buy something extravagant. I am buying a house in the next couple of months and I am squeezing every last cent that I do not pay on bills and gas on student loans. My goal is to become free of student loans by the end of the year!

  42. Thanks for this!

  43. I would like to post this message to Jad

    • I began a message (above) to Jaden but then it seemed to lock up. My question as previously posted here is that I am only getting credit for 10 bonus entry on the $500 contest but it says that I have 20; this applies to my Wife, Denise and Daughter Jillian who also enter daily. I know how busy you are, but I hope someone can look into this, since other customers could also be in this position.

  44. I think I would save it towards moving to a better and safer living situation! Good luck, safety, and good health to all of us!

  45. hello friends lets celebrate the good weather together if i won the $500 dollars summer prize i would for sure buy an air conditioner for my apartment its been over 90 degrees in here for several days now and im older with disabilities i need an air conditioner very badly maybe the host here will put up an air conditioner as a prize this summer lets put it out to the universe and see what happens !! w00t w00t happy dance

  46. Go towards bills. Thank you very much.

  47. I am not getting credit for the second 10 point bonus and my other two Family entrants
    Denise and Jillian are not either although there is a big check mark showing that we did.

    • Hey Randolph – Did you already enter for the 10 points on a previous day? The green check marks would indicate that you have already entered the bonus points in the past. They are a one time entry. Thanks!

      • I appreciate your response and normally yes; but in this case there was a 10 point bonus early on (you had to answer a question about a recipe), but then later they awarded an additional 10 points to everyone which is why I now I am told that I have

        with a big green check mark! Thanks again, and do you know whether every one has 10 or 20 bonuses?

  48. This would be a wonderful gift to receive and I hope I win it!! I would take my 2 year old grandson to the beach for his very first trip and enjoy the sunshine! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  49. I hope I get it

  50. Winning this will help me get a laptop for myself so I won’t have to share my neighbor’s laptop with them for studies. Thanks for the chance to win. Good day

  51. after a long winter followed by this extended hibernation due to covid 19 virus, i definitely need some new clothes due to (weight gain) yikes!footwear accessories to match the bright warm spring days ahead! as a proud first time grandmother i dont want my clothing to scream old lady/wicked witch. what i really need , besides a haircut, is a refreshed wardrobe this year 2020 .its all about having new outlooks on life now that we’ve had time to slow down and reflect on life we could all use a fresh brand new clean spring season to lead us into our summer. how fun it is to be a Canadian!we can wear sandals one day and boots the next day, we can go fishing on one day and the next day it can be frozen over thick.on behalf of children all over Ontrairio w00t w00t happy dance no more school! No more school! No more school! w000h000!

  52. Does one have to click  the box to subscribe  to the Newsletter for the daily entry to be accepted or for the Bonus Entry to appear?  I uncheck the Subscribe to Newsletter button, but I get a red Thank you for Entering message, but I never get a Bonus Entry form. 

    • I hope I get it

  53. I never see bonus entries?

    • They are there! After you enter, scroll down a bit and you’ll see the extra bonus entries. I just tested and I do see them.

      • It says I should get 20 bonues entries, on view entries it only shows I got 2.

      • Thank you for checking and I’m glad they are there and you can see them. I scrolled down the review entries and it still says 2, not sure why we see different things, I guess because it’s a new system with some kinks, but thought I’d let you know. Tried to enter a screen shot, but it wouldn’t let me. Thanks again.

  54. I see you are working on correcting the problem….it says 20 bonus entries on the left and hovering over the check mark it now says +20 entries…but i still only have 2 entries listed on the
    ‘view entries’ for answering the question…thanks for working to fix this. i don’t see my comments listed, so i’m hoping you’re getting these.

    • Still can’t find any bonus entries or anything that says “view entries”…no questions or anything. Just goes back to the enter page… Anyone else find a solution?

      • Hi Margaret – Are you using Safari or Chrome? I saw this issue happening, and our techs pinpointed to an update that Safari made. Try these things:
        1. Try with an incognito or private browser window
        2. Try with the Chrome browser (safari has been giving users problems recently)

  55. How do you get past the enter page ? 

  56. Did I get it right?

  57. Why won’t it go off of the enter page just keeps going back to start

  58. Bonus Points? Bonus entries? Can’t find anything about those! Where are the options for the extras? I did “scroll down a little further” as Judith was told to do…all the way to the bottom… and still can’t find anything. Is it a secret and I just can’t find it? 🙂

  59. I would definitely use it on the children for indoor activities!!

  60. Dear Jaden,  I can’t figure out what is wrong.  When I try to enter a prize I get a message that says cookies are blocking me. I deleted all cookies but I still can’t enter.  I don’t know what to do.  Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?  
    Thank you for any help you can give me.
    Eleanor Ostling 

    • Hi Eleanor! Try using a private or incognito browser window. jaden

    • I get that too. But if I click enter, then click it again it lets me enter – even has it all filled out for me! So just keep trying ( maybe not all day lol).

  61. I say sugar too with a cherry on top

  62. 2nd Ingredient of this recipe is Sugar!

  63. Oh, man! That $500 Cash….. this cash will save up for my expenses like paying bills, buying a used car or something. I am so looking forward to winning this fine cold hard cash which is worth $500! Gotta win that money!

  64. sugar!

  65. The second ingredient is sugar.

  66. sugar

  67. sugar

  68. The 2nd ingredient is sugar. Thank you for the chance!

  69. Sugar

    • I would definitely use it on the children for indoor activities!! And van repairs would be nice !! Thank you for the chance

  70. I have been using Chrome. Until recently I have not had any problems entering. With the new format I do not get the bonus entries. I do not have ad blocker on but I have not idea how to fix this. Do you have a suggestion?

    • Judith – scroll down a little further and you’ll see how to earn your daily entry! jaden

  71. The 2nd ingredient in Strawberry-Almond Cream Tart is 2 Tablespoons Sugar.


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