Ginger, Coriander & Orange Braised Chicken

Ginger, Coriander & Orange Braised Chicken

Ginger, Coriander and Orange Braised Chicken Inspired by flipping through Nigel Slater's Appetite which has been sitting on my desk for the past 2 weeks because I can't stop looking at it. I love his style of cooking - "a small handful of crabmeat per person" "ginger...

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Dr. BBQ’s Barbecued Barbecue Shrimp

Dr. BBQ’s Barbecued Barbecue Shrimp

I’ve never been interested in cooking traditional American BBQ, mainly because I do not like what I cannot control, and in this particular case, the BBQ grill is outside of my domain with a fat “trespassing renders marriage contract null and void“ sticker on the...

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Fried Noodles with Garlic Shrimp

Fried Noodles with Garlic Shrimp

Chinese New Year is coming up in just a couple of weeks! It will be the Year of the Rat! I'll be sharing some of my favorite Chinese dishes with you - easy meals that you can whip up for the holiday. Chinese are big on food symbolisms - and some of the references are...

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An Ode to Spam in the Style of Seuss

An Ode to Spam in the Style of Seuss

Before we tie a big, fat bow on this year’s box of ups, down and go-arounds, I‘d like to give props to Spam, the wondrous food that started my relationship with Creative Loafing (the newspaper that I write a weekly food column for) earlier this year when I dared...

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Scallop Salad with Sweet Vanilla Chili Dressing

Scallop Salad with Sweet Vanilla Chili Dressing

Andrew and I arrived home safely late Monday night. Our trip to Los Angeles was full of Mom's home cooking - we had Chinese hot pot, fried garlic chili crab, chicken noodle soup with rice noodles, homemade XO chili sauce, and Hainan steamed chicken. Oh it was heavenly...

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Roasted Garlic Shrimp Recipe

Roasted Garlic Shrimp Recipe

Last night, I whipped up this absolutely mouth-watering Garlic Butter Shrimp recipe, and let me tell you, it was a hit! Imagine juicy shrimp bathed in a rich and flavorful mix of fresh garlic and butter, each bite a perfect harmony of taste. What makes this dish a...

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Roast Chicken with Sweet Plum Sauce

Roast Chicken with Sweet Plum Sauce

As you can tell, I’m going through a de-cluttering phase, basically purging my home because I know that in order to make room for shiny new crap I have to get rid of all the old crap and tschotchkes , which I think is Yiddish for “shit I don’t need.” Ok, really, my...

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Beef Congee (Rice Porridge) + PBS Show

Beef Congee (Rice Porridge) + PBS Show

Every morning in China, we would wake up to a smorgasbord of a breakfast buffet. The hotels and cruise ships had anticipated every kind of craving - from "orange sauce" to "dessicated potatoes" , Chinglish for orange juice and hash browns. But when in China, eat like...

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Chinese Steamed Spareribs with Black Bean Sauce

Chinese Steamed Spareribs with Black Bean Sauce

Are you ready to dive into a dim sum classic that's bound to become a family favorite? Let me introduce you to the Chinese Steamed Spareribs with Black Bean Sauce, or as it's lovingly called in Cantonese, 'pai kuat.' This recipe is a nostalgic nod to my modest...

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Grilled Whole Fish on Banana Leaf

Grilled Whole Fish on Banana Leaf

There are times when I should just shrug my shoulders in defeat, lay the camera down and just go make myself a Bloody Mary. Only after the first sip would I grab a blank sheet of paper, a black sharpie marker and just draw you a picture of my dish. Because there is no...

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Lobster Mac ‘n Cheese

Lobster Mac ‘n Cheese

I decided last month that our family should make a better effort to eat more seafood and less crap like deep fried nuggets of chicken fat. Not that I wasn’t trying to be healthy or anything, because that would be called a D-I-E-T, which is against my religion,...

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15 Minute Asian Noodles

15 Minute Asian Noodles

  During freshman year of college, I lived off of Kraft mac 'n cheese and Cocoa Puffs. Not because I couldn't cook-but because Mother never let us have awful artificially flavored junk food in our household since it would "OH MY GOD, ROT OUR TEETH." Never mind...

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Korean Glass Noodles – Jap Chae / Chap Chae

Korean Glass Noodles – Jap Chae / Chap Chae

Photo of Korean Glass Noodles - Jap Chae/Chap Chae These past few days, I needed to cook healthy. Not for me, but for the sake of my children. You see, last week, I had Lasik eye surgery. As any reasonable mother would do, I milked it as far as I could go in terms of...

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Grilled Prawns with Sichuan Peppercorn Salt

Grilled Prawns with Sichuan Peppercorn Salt

shhhhhh....... i did a naughty thing. last week my husband tromped off to Vegas for a 5-day vacation with this poker buddies. i had an affair. i heard the garage door close as he left for the airport. i waited 15 minutes to make sure he didn't return, in case he...

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Asian Pork Burgers with Kimchi

Asian Pork Burgers with Kimchi

I was lunching with my friend, restaurant critic Brian Ries of Creative Loafing, and he asked me what I thought of area burger joints.  The truth is, the only burger that I ever order out is McDonald's - mainly because my boys must. have. that. stupid. toy. ...

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Steamed Mussels in Lemongrass Coconut Curry

Steamed Mussels in Lemongrass Coconut Curry

Suspicious criminal activity of is happening right under my roof!  We entertain about once a week, usually for a weekend supper where we invite our close friends over and treat them to a massive feast. They all know the routine.  When I am finished with a...

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