Thank You For Entering The Shine Bright: Silver Diamond Heart Necklace Giveaway!

Thank You For Entering The Shine Bright: Silver Diamond Heart Necklace Giveaway! Check out the bonus entries below! -Jaden



  1. Your picture taking process and all of the hard work and dedication you put in to your dream made me feel like you were talking about me. I too have been cursing online sales and I believe what you are doing is a remarkable and generous act. I am taking your tips to heart so that I can find joy in my life too. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your amazing giveaway.

  2. En aidant les autres qui ont besoin de conseils et d’attention. Merci

  3. I would pass on to my daughter these beautiful gifts!

  4. If I won I would give this to our daughter because she just celebrated her first Mother’s Day with the birth of our only grandchild Evelyn Mae in December.

  5. If there are NO diamonds on this, please stop calling it a “diamond heart”.

  6. Being there for a friend who just found out she has a mass…. Being what she needs this week and in the future.

  7. Pour moi pour aller avec les belles boucles d’oreilles que j’espère gagner!

  8. Love your giveaways!

  9. What an original piece!
    I love the style and the two tone feature. It really stands out. This would be a perfect birthday gift for my daughter. Beautifully made

  10. I would keep this necklace to remind me to spread heart felt joy to others, daily. Let someone go before you in line at the store. Smile at someone you don’t know. Help at a food bank, or visit the elderly. Call your single friends to let them know you care. Help an elderly person by carrying their groceries, or helping them if the sidewalks are icy. Buy someone you don’t know a coffee or a soda. If someone is short of money in the checkout, help if you can.

  11. I would pass this on to my husband’s cousin who has done so much for us.

  12. I have not owned very much jewelry. This is one piece I would like to have.

    Thanks for the chance

  13. How do I shine my own inner light? I have a wonderful woman in my life who has difficulty being mobile due to various medical conditions. Everyday I make sure she is comfortable and happy (as much as she can be) by taking care of her myself. I admit it is hard at times, but I love her truly and will do for her what I can.

    • Thank you for sharing Ron! That is a beautiful gift to give her! How amazing!!

  14. If I won, I would give these to my mother.


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