Adobe Photoshop Fix and Lightroom for Mobile

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Adobe Photoshop Fix and Lightroom for Mobile are FREE on your mobile device (ios and android.) We’re giving away an Adobe Creative Cloud membership ($99 value) at end of post. -Jaden

Adobe Photoshop Fix and Lightroom for Mobile Review

I’ll be honest with you. It’s taken me nearly 2 months to make the time to write this review and giveaway. When Adobe first contacted me and asked us to review their mobile photography apps, I wasn’t so sure about it. Another image editing app for my phone? Between Instagram, Facetune, and all the other apps I have to add funky filters, I just wasn’t excited about installing any more — despite the fact that both Lightroom and Photoshop are absolutely essential to Steamy Kitchen.

So, finally, yesterday, I sat down and blocked out an hour of my time to get down ‘n dirty with these two apps. Turns out, I only needed 10 minutes.

90% of the time, I only need to use Adobe Lightroom on my desktop for the blog – Lightroom catalogs, manages and edits my photos very efficiently. So, I started with Adobe Mobile Lightroom.

The other day, I quickly snapped a photo of Lemon Curd (we were testing the Bellini Kitchen Master – hey, we’re giving one away!) Here’s the before and after.

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Within 3 clicks and 15 seconds, I fixed my photo.

Despite it being a “mobile” app, Lightroom packs a ton of features — but only if you want to use them. If you’re in a hurry, just use the presets for 1-click fix. If you like to tinker with individual settings, there’s plenty to choose from.

I also played around with a photo of our 2 doggies – these Florida pups aren’t used to the Nevada winters here. They’re constantly shivering and cold! We got them a heated throw to lay on.

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Clicked on Auto Tone and adjusted the brightness (exposure) to get this:

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But that cord! I wanted to remove that cord.

Clicked on “edit in” and it chose Photoshop Fix.

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Chose “Spot Heat” in one swipe, the cord was gone.

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WOW. That was so easy. I’m deleting all my other image editing apps on my phone. By the way, Adobe mobile apps are free to use. FREE!!!

Adobe Creative Cloud Giveaway

While the mobile apps are free to use, Adobe’s desktop, or pro version of their photography products are paid membership. We’re giving away 1 year of Creative Cloud membership for photography ($99 value).


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