Thank You for entering the $100 Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway

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Thank you for entering the giveaway! Come back tomorrow and enter again! Scroll below to find the bonus entries! Jaden


Scroll For Bonus Entries (1)


This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure policy for more information.


  1. Started getting (are you human) button on give away page . Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t Spam or Got Hacked. It wasn’t there before

    • Hi Greg!

      We appreciate you sharing your experience with us and thank you for your valuable feedback. Your input is important to us, and we have informed our tech team of your comments. They will make the necessary improvements to enhance your experience.

      Thank you again!
      The Steamy Kitchen Giveaways Team


  3. I am renovating my cold room for emergency supplies, so I will be visiting my local Home Depot very soon to get some shelving, metal shelves on wheels, and some utility pails. See you there!

  4. Home Depot is my go-to store for yard and garden supplies. I will soon need a new 14-inch electric lawnmower. I mow the lawns of my fellow seniors on my crescent who are too feeble to do their own yardwork. It is good exercise for me, and I enjoy helping others. Some of my clients are also new moms who dont have the time to mow their lawns.

  5. Home Depot is my favorite place to get all of my plants, tools to fix things in my house, get a lot of my Christmas decorations and lights there. Plus, I love looking at all of their products. I go there weekly to buy my cleaning products for my house cleaning business. They have a lot of great products there at prices I can afford. My second older brother Larry goes there all of the time to get things for his lawn mowing business and carpet cleaning business. Home Depot is a lot cheaper than Lowes. Lowes used to be a great place to buy things, but not anymore. So Home Depot is my to go place and have told all of my family, friends and people I see in public to go there instead of Lowes.

  6. I feel like I’m at Home Depot weekly. I’m either buying paint or plants or some special tool for a project.

  7. I love shopping and even browsing in Home Depot. I like finding items to not only improve the home but are ascetically pleasing like new air vent covers.

  8. You can find all kinds of things at Home Depot, both in store and online. I found a shoe cabinet that matched my bedroom furniture perfectly. I’ve found home decor, especially online.

  9. Also, some of the recent contest postings have bonus entry options that do not work. This one, for example, has a “Visit post and leave a comment” bonus but it fails to link to anything. That’s happened on a couple of earlier contest postings too.

    • Hi DeaconMac!

      Sorry you are having issues with the bonus question.
      We have checked on our end and the bonus entries seem to be working correctly! If you can take a screenshot of what you are experiencing and email us at we can make sure you are receiving your entries!

      Thank you

      Steamy Kitchen Giveaways Team


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